20~your scared of...heights?-~20

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Tanjiro:<------i feel bad for him :((

i woke up in mine and muzans bed and my back was aching i got up and then fell back down to muzan pulling me "t-tanjiro....come back...." he then pulled me back into our bed "muzan-sama...we need to pack...our flight is tonight and we need to get to the stores... its a long way there" "ahhhh...that yeah...look ill get the stuff ready you wake up nozomi..." muzan then got up and went to the closet"you know maybe you should put something on tanjiro.." "oh!" i went into the closet with him and got dressed "muzan-sama what should i wear?" "nothing~" he then wraped his arms around my waist "gah! we need to get ready!" "just a little time to our selfs?...then ill stop for the rest of the day till we leavee.." "fine...lets just hope nozomi wakes herself up.."he then moved his hands down on my dick....

Nozomi:<---------shes most relieable then muzan and tanjiro

i woke up and well since my bedroom was right next to my parents closet i heard them...you know what i dont care....im just gonna "ITS 6AM IM SLEEPYY!!" i was sleepy but then i remebered...i had to pack and get ready....i got up and went to my closet and got a kimono with red roses and green leaves with a red skirt a red color that matches my hair basically (her hair is black at the top and fades into tajiros hair color) i put on my fathers hairpin and some red earrings and put red socks on (looks like this)

i then went to brush my hair i really dont style it soo... "thats okay...-" just then i heard my parents stop as i also heard zenko screaming?" RATTTTTTT!!!" wait...so he's scared of...rats-?...its maybe a prank from mitsuki...i finally put on my sandals and went and saw mitsuki choking on her own laughs while pointing at a...."RATTT!!!!"""GYAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" im pretty sure i woke up everybody....but A RATTTT!!! "KILL IT MITSUKI YOU- YOU BITCH!!!" i didnt mean for THAT to come out my mouth.....BUT ITS A RATT!! "YOURE ON YOURE OWN!! BAHAHHA!!" she started laughing as she went away...that bitch!! suddenly it...TOUCHED ME!!!! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" i took out my hairpin and stabbed it... for some reason...it was amusing....?? "NOZOMI YOU SVAED MEE!!"zenko came crying twords me and suddenly tackled me onto the ground "THANK YOUU!!!!" suddenly my parents came out after FINALLY getting ready and saw a dead rat my bloody hairpin and zenko attacking me! suddenly everybody came except gyokko and the lowermoons they were somewhere in tokyo on a mission... "zenko!! im trying to sleep! wait till i tell nezu-" "ZENKO KIYOSHI AGATSUMA!" auntie nezuko and zenistu were awake...and pissed and so was everybody....just then mitsuki placed a..."RATTTTT!!!!! FUCK YOU MITSUKII!!!" "NOZOMI!" my dad was mad and papa was scared because my dad was mad....i grabbed my hairpin and stabbed it...this time in the body..."ew.....YOU HAD THAT IN YOUR HAIR?!" "HEY CAN WE STOP SCREAMING!!!" zenko yelled "idunno..can we-"mitsuki said...gave me enough time to attack

Muzan:<--------hes a bad dad or in nozomis language.."papa"...

all i know is...IM sleepy and my ears hurt... suddenly nozomi had tried to cut mitsuki with her hairpin??well..tanjiros hairpin suddenly tanjiro ran and tried to hold her back while everybody was confused....and so was i! so..since she was acting voilent a grabbed a bamboo muzzel...i made it for her cause since she was a child she would get aggresive and bite...she bit me one time into me making this bamboo..i went to the drama and tied it around her mouth"HE-MMMmMMmMM!!!" "why do you have that?" tanjiro asked me while picking up nozomi "so dramas all over??~~~aww!!i just got my snacks!~~cmon aki lets goo~~"everybody left because the drama was over well mitsuki did get a scold for doing that and nozomi was resting in bed..."hey muzan-sama...." "yes tanjiro?" "why did you make that muzzel...theres no way you would just buy it randomly..." "while you were asleep...when nozomi was like 2 she was aggresive...when we had encountered a demon slayer she had bit him, and everybody...just started looking at her then police came and one had hit her....i guess she got mad and she started attacking him to...i tried to get her but she had just bit me... and that was her 7th attack...so i made that and made her wear it just incase...and when she turned 3 i had tooken it off.." i could tell he was shocked..."well take it incase..." he had finished up nozomis luggage and we were all packed up  i started packing nozomi some snacks..we would be gone all day i know she was gonna get hungry...i packed her her's and mine favorite snack....FUWARINKA! for some reason this is the only thing im able to eat besides humans... i also got her a bottle of amazake for she loves sweets....i know she gets that from tanjiro.... "dear?..." i think i have tried some other drink before "muzan..." i dont remeber....."Muzan..." i never remeber alot of stuff...i dont even remeber some of the uppermoons names...."MUZAN...." let me try..... kokushibo idoit 1 idoit 2 nakime and.......who agian?...oh it was...hmmmm-"MUZAN-SAMA!" "GYAH!" i had felt somebody yank my hair backwards as i tumbled to the floor "cmon we need to get going stop trying to remeber the uppermoons names agian!!" "how did you know?... i wasent talking..-" "MAGIC lets just go!" he had a long kimono with a golden brown belt and the base color was black  with red flowers on them...he also had his earrings on...

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