♫... hello tutorial - zion.t, seulgi

"Kat, over here!" Lylith waved her down, breathing a sigh of relief; neither of them had wanted to sit alone at lunch.

The school was massive, and even finding each other was somewhat serendipitous. Kat had been planning to just find a comfortable spot to eat and then make her way to her next class, but she was grateful to find her.

Kat swiveled around to see a girl around five feet in stature. She had always made fun of Lylith for it, especially due to the fact that Kat was younger than them by a few months. Tan watercolor dappled the apples of her cheeks, dimpled skin meeting Kat's gaze.

Walking rather quickly, Kat sat her backpack on one side of Lylith while they both plopped down, letting out a baited breath. Turning to glance at Kat, Lylith began to speak.

"So, how were your first few classes?" This made Kat snicker. She'd been bored half to death in the few hours they'd been at school, and she was still wondering how she'd be able to get through the year.

"As expected," Kat breathed out, still catching her breath from dashing around the school. "Just as boring as I'd thought. What about you, Lyli?"

Kat had been calling Lylith a pet name, 'Lyli', for as long as the two of them could remember. Neither of them could recall how the nickname had gotten its affectionate start, but nevertheless Kat used it.

"Same; I don't know how I'm going to possibly get it through this year. The hard stuff hasn't even started yet." Lylith groaned, hugging her backpack close to her in order to properly rest her head on it.

Kat began to unzip her backpack to pull out her lunch-bag, unbuttoning it to take out a tupperware container. Withdrawing a metal fork from the inside of the bag, she removed the clasps of the heavy plastic carton. She gripped her fork akin to a knife and began to stab at her olive-oil-coated pasta aggressively. This was Kat's favorite part of eating; she liked to think it aided her in letting out her frustrations.

Lylith eyed the pasta nervously, glad it wasn't her.

"Slow down, you're gonna stab someone. Namely me." Lylith chuckled, a bit concerned for their safety.

"Clam down." Kat had always said clam instead of calm for some unknown reason, but Lylith had accepted it as commonplace. "Anyways, we have sixth and seventh period together, so that works out well. Have you made any friends yet?"

Their school was giant, so it was natural they would sit next to new people every year. The only new person Kat had sat next to so far was the beautiful stranger in her health class, who intrigued Kat to no end. She didn't even know their name, much less anything about them.

However, Kat didn't hang out with people of that type. She had a reputation and a GPA to uphold, and talking to people with tattoos just wasn't beneficial to her.

"I'm sitting next to this girl who went to our middle school in English. I've never spoken to her, but you know how it goes. What about you?" Lylith mumbled while chewing.

"There's this new kid in my health class. Never seen them around before, but they have tattoos and piercings." Kat scrunched her nose in an almost disgusted manner. "They're really annoying so far. Cocky, I can tell."

"You spoke to them?" Lylith murmured, bemused. "How'd that go down?"

Kat turned her torso to send a glare towards Lylith, narrowing her eyes. She began to stab her pasta more ferociously. Lylith put both of her hands up, eyes widening. They were still chewing on their food, but she knew better than to mess with Kat when she was mad.

"I forgot how to speak and they laughed at me. It was bad." Kat whined, putting her face in her palms. The tips of her ears went red, and she couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or from the nervousness she felt around the mysterious stranger.

"Relax, I bet they just thought you were forgetful." Lylith was always one to play the devil's advocate, which Kat despised about her in the moment.

Kat scowled at Lylith once again, not having it.

"They called me glasses. Glasses!" Lylith snorted, amused.

"They're not wrong," Lylith pointed out, "you're literally wearing glasses."

"Well- I found it rude!" Kat began to splutter, leaving Lylith giggling.

"Your ears are going red, Kat." Lylith nudged her side with her elbow, causing Kat to push her.

"Shut up."

♫... keep it up – chase atlantic


The stranger had been tapping on her shoulder all class, during the entire lecture. They'd been whispering to her, and Kat was sick of it.

Turning her torso around, she glowered at them. They simpered back, clearly entertained.

"What." Kat gritted out, unamused.

"Do you have the answers for the homework? I kinda forgot we had it..." They trailed off, setting an elbow on their desk to rest their cheek on their palm.

Her eyes were drawn to their tattoos once again, and she wondered how far up they stretched. Yesterday, they'd worn a leather jacket, covering up whatever ink trailed across their skin. Today, in similarity, they donned the same jacket.

Weird, she thought. It's September.

Sighing, Kat responded. "Yeah, I have them," She muttered, "but only for today. I'm not giving them to you again. Do your own work next time, dipshit."

"Gasp. The teacher's pet swears."

Kat rummaged through her backpack and pulled out her folder, opening the clasp and pulling out the sheet of paper. Setting it down on their desk, she scowled.

"Not often, mind you. You just piss me off."

"Aw, I'm special to you? That's so sweet."

"Fuck off."

a/n: Hi guys!! Wanted to upload super quick before I travel, so its kind of a short update lmao, there might be typos as well oops.

Anyways, the plot hasn't really commenced yet (aka I still haven't decided how I want this to go), so bear with me <3 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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