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Angel was worried for the whole week as she was dying to know her exam results. Devil tried to keep her calm but Devil herself was also very anxious as she didn't revise well for the exam. 

After a week of fretfulness, the day to know their results finally came. Their class teacher Mrs. Mable announced,"The highest mark goes to...... drumroll please......ANGEL!!!" Everyone bursted into applause, including her best friend Devil. Everyone congratulated Angel and she was on cloud nine. Devil, on the other hand, didn't look too happy. Angel was too absorbed in her own world to notice Devil sulking quietly in the classroom corner.

Devil had failed the test with an appalling 49 marks. She was so disappointed with herself and imagined her parents scolding her and screaming with rage. She sobbed sorrowfully and realised that she wouldn't be able to graduate school and won't be able to go to the heavenly Earth that everyone was so excited about. She was so sad that she didn't even bother to look at what she had done wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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