Chapter two

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An unknown Place

James is having a Deja-vu. He wakes up in an unknown room with no memories how he's got there. The room has two doors, a mural closet, a bed, a desk and a chair, but no window. At least he isn't naked.

If that is some weird prank of the other agents, they'll pay for it. «If that's a joke, it's not funny», he said loud. No answer. He goes through the whole room searching for hidden cameras, microphones or speakers, nothing. As he went through the closet, he saw that everything seems to be his size and stuffs he likes to wear. Sadly, no T-shirt has the CHERUB logo on it. Maybe this is some kind of infiltration-mission-test to evaluate the reactions of the agents.

When he gets dressed, he has a look through the door on the side of the closet. The bathroom, just as he guessed. There are no cameras or microphones either. The other door brought him to a corridor which has a lot of doors on both sides. Before leaving his room, he ties a shoelace around the doorknob to recognize his room.

He decides to first explore on his left side. All doors are closed. When he arrived at a crossing, he takes left again so he won't lose himself. After a few minutes he arrived in front of his door again. He takes another way and as he went around a corner, he bumped into someone.


Callum walks down a corridor. On both sides are doors in regular distances which are all locked. In between them are paintings; mostly landscape, sometimes animals. «Who lives here? » he wonders loudly. « I don't know, maybe that mysterious Mr. King » answers Clary witch walks on his side. They met while exploring the corridors and soon realized that both of them received the same strange letter and got unconscious as soon they finished reading it. Then they woke up in unknown rooms which contains everything they need, except phones and computer or any electronical objects. Clary had told him that she couldn't find her iPod witch she was listening to when she found her letter. Callum didn't tell her but he couldn't find his knife, Miri, when he woke up.

«Wait did you hear that? » Clary interrupts his thoughts. «What? » Callum frowns while concentrating. Indeed, he could hear footsteps approaching. «Should we call? » he whispers. «What do we have to lose? » she whispers back. «Hello? », Callum calls out, «Anyone there? ». The steps stop. They hear some hushed whispers then «Who are you? Show yourself! » Callum looks at Clary, witch shrugs «We're coming! » she answers. They go in the direction from where the voice came from. Around the corner were two boys waiting for them. «Oh», the black-haired asked, «did you became a letter too? » his eyes are an unusual sea-green. «Yes! » Clary's voice takes him out of his contemplation. «How many are we here? » all the four looked puzzled. «Well, we won't know more by standing here». While continuing exploring the corridors they got to know each other a bit. The blond one is James and the black-haired is Percy. James is British and Percy New Yorker. Clary is from New York too.

They started to wonder where they might be. Percy told them that the black-out mixed up his internal clock, and as they couldn't find any window, they couldn't know what time it is. James has three guesses early morning, noon or early evening. This confused Clary, «How do you get on these times? » she asked. «Because I'm hungry» he answers. Everyone laughs. They continue to walk in silence.

Everyone is thinking. Suddenly James, which is walking in the front, stops and gives a sign to do the same. «What's going on? » Clary asks. She is at the back and because of her small size she can't see the room in front of them. Percy makes some space so she can see. The room seems to be a dining room. In the middle is a long table, big enough for 12 people, it is dressed but he can't see anyone.

Across the room is another small doorway, similar as the one where they stand. Just on their left is a big cupboard witch sems to contain porcelain and silverware. In the other corner is a small estrade with a piano and a harp. In between the commode and the estrade is a bigger doorway and on the other side of the room are several mural webbings in the shadow. The big chandelier gives just enough light that it doesn't disturb.

The other three are arguing if it is safe to enter or not, but Percy, which his TDHD impulsivity simply enters the room, much to James disagree. Clary shrugs and enters too followed by Callum. James has nothing else to do as doing the same.

Just as we approached the table, a men came out of the shadow in the back of the room and says: «Fantastic! Now that everyone is here, we can start!

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