Chapter 1

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No one's POV:


It was 6 in the morning, a young boy who goes by the name Dream is currently getting ready for the first day of school, Dream sighed as he did his hair, The young short blonde was so tired as the night before he stayed up playing Minecraft with his friends.

On the other hand there was a Tall blonde male who goes by Punz, The other blonde was still sleeping not caring about a single thing that's going on in the outside world (Damn that sounds like me), The other blonde was gonna be a troublemaker for sure.

and the last one the raven haired boy whose name is Snapchat (I meant Sapnap) Who is already at school with his friends, just talking and hanging out.


At 8:30am 

Still No one's POV:

Dream was rushing through the halls he was late to his FIRST class already and he just got there, But you might think "Oh he's already unlucky it can't get worse" well it can because he wasn't paying attention causing him to run into someone and that someone is George.

He fell to the ground groaning in pain, He than looked up about to apologize to the person.

George looked weirded out and or you could say disgusted.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" Dream said as he got up bowing.

George groaned and rolled his eyes in response "Shut up and go away already!" George snapped back in his strong and noticeable British accent and with that dream ran off to his class. 


George's POV: 

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" The short blonde male that ran into me said, I groaned and rolled my eyes in response and snapped at the young blonde  "Shut up and go away already!" I watched as he ran away, I huffed in annoyance before turning back to my friends "He was so focking annoying (Sorry I had to *Fucking*), George said to his friends (Sapnap, Punz, Techno, Tommy, and Wilbur), Wilbur just Rolled his eyes as I said that.

"Your just mean" Wilbur hummed out after a few seconds of silence.

I and Wilbur just glared at each other after a while Sally Aka Wilbur's girlfriend came up to them.

"Hey Wilby and his friends!" Sally exclaimed as she hugged Wilbur.

"Hey dear" Wilbur said as he wrapped his arms around Sally's waist.

"EW Fucking love birds!" Tommy yelled/screamed as he stuck his tongue out looking away in disgust.

Sally laughed at Tommy's reaction which made tommy also smile while the others just laughed.

I just stood there staring at Sapnap as he laughed, he looked so cute, I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought.


After school

Sapnap's POV:

I was standing outside with my friends plus Sally just talking about hanging out at my house they agreed and just continued to talk about random shit and how every girl simps for us.

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