"Just wait here," Nancy ordered, before jumping in after Steve.

"Goddamnit!" Eddie screamed, and Null's lips twitched upwards. Eddie was funny to her even when he wasn't trying to be, probably because she just couldn't take him seriously.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. What are you doing? She said wait," Eddie said frantically as Robin looked about ready to go in after Nancy.

"Yeah, I heard her," Robin snapped back.

"She's in charge," Eddie responded, dubiously.

"Are you kidding me? I made that shit up," and then she jumped in.

"Don't you go. Don't you... Goddamn it... Son of a bitch!" Eddie freaked out.

Null grinned at him. "And then there were two... after you, 'angel.'"

"Oh, this is so stupid. This is so stupid. This is so stupid. Shit! shit! shit!" Eddie answered before flopping in the water.

It was then that Null allowed herself to laugh before jumping in after the rest of them.

"How do you do?" Null asked a battered Steve, bowing before laughing and swinging at the strange flying creatures with an oar.

"Kill it! Kill it!" Eddie encouraged her.

There was a lot going on as they all swung their oars. Eddie swung his like a baseball bat, which made Null laugh maniacally. It felt strange to her how it almost felt fun to her. To be alongside friends fighting pesky animals. Maybe it was the adrenaline that had her in this weird, giddy mood... it was definitely the adrenaline.

Steve swung and smacked the creature that had been choking him like a Tom and Jerry cartoon, and when he finished, said, "Jesus Christ."

"Jesus H Christ!" Eddie screamed, which finally threw Null into a fit of laughter.

"Null!" Nancy scolded. "What is wrong with you!"

Eddie himself looked a little confused, as he hadn't seen this side of her yet. There she was, laughing uncontrollably. "I just..." more laughter that made her double over, holding her stomach. "Think it's so funny," more laughter as she thought back to Eddie, deep breath. "When he says the lords name in vain," and with that out she laughed some more.

Null's laughter was contagious, and made Robin have to stifle her laugh. Robin didn't want to face Nancy's wrath as well.

"I just can't understand how that would be this funny," Nancy furthered. "Especially in a time and place like this."

"Oh, you didn't know?" Steve asked, out of breath. "She's fucking delusional. A serious adrenaline junkie. You get used to it though. She can't actually take any serious situation seriously."

"Hey guys?" Robin called their attention to the half dozen of birds guarding the gate they'd come through.

"All right, there's not that many. We can take them," Steve said.

Null looked up at the noise coming from above her, and laughed helplessly. "Oh fuck."

"The woods. Come on," Nancy instructed. So into the woods they went. An avid hater of running, an injured man with exceptional hair, a bossy woman, a frightened metalhead and a delirious superhero, laughing as she ran behind them carelessly.

Or, she thought as they were running, they were incredibly comparable to the characters in The Wizard of Oz. Eddie was the lion, for sure, lacking courage. Steve, the scarecrow who lacked a brain. Nancy, naturally, would be Dorothy, just trying to find her way home. And by process of elimination, Robin would be the Tin man. Null thought she might be the actual wizard.

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