Attack on The Tree of Voices

Start from the beginning

I cried out in pain as more of the sacred trees fell. Jake turned and looked at me horrified, before trying again.

    "Jake!" I cried out for him.

    "Go back, stop!" Jake screamed.

A camera rotated on the top of the bulldozer and looked down at Jake and I, showing up on the control screens.

    "Hey, boss." The man called out to Parker from the Hell's Gate base. Remotely controlling the dozer from there. He stopped moving the dozer and waited as Parker walked over to him.


    "I got a native doing the funky chicken here. He's blocking my blade."

Parker leaned down and looked at the monitor.    
    "Well, keep moving. He'll move." Parker shrugged, talking with his mouth full. "These people have to learn that we don't stop. Come on. Go, go, go." He moved the control for him and the bulldozer started up again.

    "Jake, it hurts! Everything hurts!" I cried out.

    "I know, baby. I know." He shushed me quickly, but we both gasped as the dozers continued to move again. Jake and I fell backwards. He jumped back up as a tree came down towards us, grabbing my arm, hoisting me up with him. "Go, run!"

I held tightly to his hand and we both ran through the trees.

    "There, see? He moved." Parker pointed out.

    "Go, Y/n. Keep running and don't stop." Jake stopped us quickly and kissed my forehead. He left me again and ran straight back towards the Bulldozers and I gasped, wanting to go after him.

I quickly decided against it and ran through the pain, through the forest trying to stay away from the upcoming dozers. I made it a little ways and stopped, in hopes to wait for him. Jake ran back at them and jumped onto the side of the dozer, quickly climbing up the large piece of machinery to the very top. Angry at the people for causing me so much pain, for destroying sacred trees, for ruining what should have been a perfect morning. He took the stone in his hand he had picked up on his way up and began smashing the cameras.

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." The operator said as Jake appeared on the screen, smashing the cameras, making each of the screens start to go black. "Dude, dude, no! Aw!" He groaned as the last camera went out. "I'm blind!"

The people on the ground heard the smashing and and looked up to see Jake, unknowing it was him in his Avatar form attacking the dozer. One of the soldier lifted his gun and began shooting at him. Jake quickly stopped hitting the cameras and ducked down. Leaping off the dozer, crashing into the forest below and running away from the constant gun fire. I looked around the forest and closed my eyes trying to feel him. I could feel his heart beating very quickly and I knew he was close.

    "Jake!" I yelled out for him as I looked around.

    "Y/n!" He called back. I followed the sound of his voice and quickly found him, jumping into his arms. Tears stained my face. "Come on! Quickly!" He ushered me forward and away from the chaos.

Tsu'tey rode in with his warriors, behind the damage caused by the bulldozers. They watched pained as a once sacred place was now gone. Destroyed. He couldn't help but worry over me, knowing I would have felt all of that.

Jake and I hid in the tree line and I sobbed into his chest. While he watched the dozers roll by. He punched the tree beside us angrily and his other hand stayed wrapped around my body.

The operator called upon Parker to see what had happened, leading to him grabbing Quaritch as well. They reviewed the last of the footage, showing Jake's Avatar destroying the cameras.

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