Truth or Dare

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The next morning we woke up and did nothing but play games such as more rock paper scissors or that game where one person sets their hands on the other persons hands and try not to get hit.

****{Later on in the day}****

"Y/n," Eddie started.

"Hm?," I said admiring the view from the boathouse; I have to admit, even under these circumstances it was hard to deny that the scenery from here was beautiful.

"Do you think... do you think the cops would believe us if we told them what happened?" he asked.

"Definitely not," I said with a saddened tone.

"Yeah, I figured," he said.

"But it's okay, because Dustin and them are going to try to help us, so maybe everything will be better again in the near future," I fake smiled hoping that I would believe my own story.

"Yeah, and maybe they'll let you have your walkman back," he laughed.

"Yeah," I laughed, "It's killing me not being able to listen to that song."

"I bet, too bad I don't have my guitar, I would definitely play it together," he said.

I smiled at him.

My perception of him had changed so much in just a few days it was crazy.

****{Later that day}****

Dustin and the others had already stopped by with food and drinks for the two of us and told us that the cops were definitely looking for us but other than that, our names had not gone public.

We were left alone for hours after that. We finally stopped playing rock paper scissors and agreed that with the amount of times we played, neither is us ever wanted to play again.

It was getting dark so we decided to start playing truth or dare again.

"Truth or dare Munson," I said.

"Dare, obviously," he smirked.

"I dare you to.... jump in the water," I said.

"Clothes on or off?," he winked.

"On, your gonna have to suffer until your clothes dry," I gave him a mischievous smile.

"Alright...," he said then jumped into the water.

I sat with my arms holding my face up on the boat, admiring the boy. He came up and pushed his wet hair back out of his face.

"It feels really good, it's just hard to see," he laughed, "alright your turn... truth or dare?"

"Truth," I smiled, knowing he wanted me to pick dare to get back at me.

"Is it true you are gonna get in the water with me?" he asked.

"Maybe...," I said.

"Truth or dare," I said.

"Truth," he replied.

"Out of anyone in the school, if you could get with one, who would it be?" I asked.

"I uh.. I don't know....," he said, almost looking embarrassed.

"Boring, my turn," I smiled, trying to make him less embarrassed.

"Truth or dare?" he asked me, still swimming around in the water.

I sighed knowing what was about to come when I gave him my answer.

"Dare," I said.

"I dare you to jump in the water with me," he grinned knowing he finally got back at me.

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