Pt.6 "the sleep over plan."

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Hello im back guys! Pt. 6 will prob be bad but oh well. If its too long let me know in the comments if you like it it not. If you do ill have to make longer chapters more often. ⚠warning⚠ there is cussing! Thanks for reading this and enjoy!


"Oh! Uhm, hinata i just forgot! My mom wants me to go to the store for her!" I said. Of course, my mom didn't tell me that. I just had to lie so i can get him away to slay the demon. "Oh. Well ill see you around (y/n)-chan!" He then took off in the direction of his house. I then ran behind him making sure to be quite. He went inside and i went to the demon.

"Lower moon, 3. Should be easy enough to kill you." I said. "Hah! Thats a good one little girl. Try to and ill kill you with my bare hands." Lower moon 3 said. I quickly took position for my first form and jumped at him. "First form, dragon flames!" I said. When i did i swung my sword at him. When i swung purple flames came out of my sword, i soon tried to swing at the neck for an easy fight. But, the neck turned as soft as cotton. It turned as soon as i swung for his neck. "HAH!? WHAT THE HELL!?" I kinda screamed. When it didn't cut through i jumped out of the way and ran. I didn't run cause i was scared i ran because i needed tanjiro and i knew i needed tanjiro. When i jumped out of the way one of the claws scraped my face a bit. By a bit i mean about 4 inches. Damn was that gonna leave a scare. I ran a told my crow to get tanjiro if he wasn't fighting, if he was tell him to come as fast as he could cause i needed his help. After that i ran back to the demon and jumped at him again. Of course i knew i couldn't beat him without tanjiro but that didn't stop me. "Dragon breathing fifth form, BURNING FIRE!" I said.

For some info heres the forms:

First form: dragon flames. Makes purple flames come out of my sword.

Second form: blue sky. Makes a dream for the demons of a fake world to distract them.

Third form: dragon eyes. When the sword cuts the demons it makes them not able to move. Makes a great pair with blue sky for easy kills.

Fourth form: burning world. Makes the demon catch on fire and burn. Paired greatly with dragon eyes.

Fifth form: burning fire. Makes any demons weaker and slows there attacks down by 20%. Best paired with dragon eyes.

Sixth form: dragons army. Makes an army of small dragons that are meant to attack the demon. Very useful when you need a small break.

Seventh form: dragons death stare. Makes the demon hurt its self when using blood demon art for 30 seconds.

Eighth form: unknown. What it does? Unknown. Its said by other dragon breathing users that you must unlock the form. How to unlock it? Unknown. (Some forms you have to cut the demon for it to work such as dragon eyes.)

I swung my sword at him and managed to cut him, when i did i blocked an attack from his left hand. "DAMN YOU STUPID CHILD! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT! Blood demon art, FREEZING ICE!" the demon screamed. Lucky most people wont hear the dumb thing cause it ran after me when i talked to the crow. Just then ice started to form on the ground trying to go up my legs to make me not more for an easy kill. I jumped as soon as it hit my feet. Man was it hard to jump! The ice had already been going up my shoe when i jumped. "FUCK ME! MY SHOES! YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled. The demon had ruined my shoes! Man this was my only pair! "Damn demon." I said under my breath. "DRAGON BREATHING THIRD FORM, DRAGON EYES!" I said. I quickly took him off guard when i said that so i took advantage of it and cut him. 'YES! I CUT HIM' I thought. "DRAGON BREATHING SECOND FORM, BLUE SKY!" I yelled. Just then the demon went limp and i knew he was in the dream. I ran at him again and tried to cut his head off again. But to my surprise, it was rock solid! "The hell is with this demon!?" I said as a whisper. The demon started to move a bit and i knew he had woken up. I jumped back and took my stance. "Dragon breathing sixth form, DRAGON ARMY!" I yelled out. Just then small but not tiny dragons came out of my sword and ran at the demon. Just had been woken up, the demon didn't expect a, WHOLE ARMY OF DRAGONS,to be running at him. "AHH-!" He kinda freaked out cause of that.

Heeeeyyy guys! How are yall today? It might be a bit short but i worked on another chapter which is the seventh one so it will be a bit short. Not as long as the last one but its still good. I hope yall liked this chapter and enjoyed it. Both chapters will be out tonight or tomorrow morning. Bye guys!

Word count : 910

haikyuu x KnY reader  {DISCONTINUED, IM RE MAKING IT!}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن