Pt.4 New Friends!

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Hello once again. How was your day? Mine was nice if your wondering. Enjoy this chapter tho i don't know what to do for it. Sorry and enjoy my loves buh byeeee!


"Ppttsshhh." Hinata whispered to me. "Huh?" I said quietly. "Do you wanna be friends!" He asked a bit loud. "Hinata, do you have something to share?" The teacher, who i learned was miss ouma, asked him. "UH, UM, NO MISS OUMA!" He said. "That's what i thought." She said. After math i had P.E. After P.E. i had reading, then science, and finally lunch. I also had P.E. with hinata and same goes with science & lunch. I didn't have reading with him because he's in the dumb class. I feel so bad! Im only in math with him because i haven't been tested like i have in reading for my score in it.

"HAHH!??? (F/N)-SAN HOW COME YOU CAN RUN THE MILE SO EASY!?" hinata said. "Well im used to running so its easier for me." I said. After P.E. i had to test to see where i was in math so i could know. And i scored, 34/35 which isn't bad but i was suppose to be in a class with hinata! Since i scored high in math, i was in honers, which was a little suspicious to a few kids, but they can't say anything to that so!

Again. Clift hanger again. Yes it is. Sorry i didnt write that much in this chapter but im hot rn cause of the weather so i need to cool down. The next chapter might be out some time tonight. But it will be at like 3:00 in the morning if i do write. Sorry for this short chapter but its the best i could do for now. Love yall!

Word count: 308

haikyuu x KnY reader  {DISCONTINUED, IM RE MAKING IT!}Where stories live. Discover now