Chapter 0 || New Beginnings

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Camp Campbell: A camp that David had grown to love throughout his many years of working there as a counselor.

The shabby, poorly funded camp that definitely wasn't a way to hide Cameron Campbell's money laundering schemes had become like.. a second home for David. He'd practically memorized the whole camp, from the locations of the cabins to where he could expect certain bugs or even cobwebs to gather. He knew it as well as the back of his hand— maybe even better.

Unfortunately for him, this was the last summer he'd ever see it.

David folded his yellow shirt that he used as a bandana, placing it on top of all of his other clothes in his box. His coworker had already left hours prior, but he was still hanging around in denial. Maybe if he took long enough while packing, someone would miraculously show up and save the camp. Deep down, he knew that wasn't the case, and that this chapter of his life had come to a melancholy close.. but a man could still hope.

And hope he did, up until he was finally in his car. The backseat was holding his boxes of clothes, personal belongings, and other things of the sort. The boxes were barely held together without all of the added stuff, let alone after they were packed as full as David could make them. The sides were curved, puffing out and letting a few loose objects or shirts poke out of the gaps where the sides should be connected into corners. Oh well, nothing that would affect him too badly. He might have to re-wash a shirt or two, but he'd live!

David fumbled with his large ring of keys, shoving random ones in to the keyhole to start the car. It sputtered slightly before turning on, the Farmer's Almanac slowly fading into the scene. He rested his hands on the steering wheel— one on four 'o clock, one on eight 'o clock, sighing softly. He couldn't help but grieve the loss of his job. His family, his home.. it felt almost like his purpose, too, to go camping and help share his love of the outdoors with kids.

But he couldn't grieve. The most important thing a man could do while trying to survive in the wild was to stay positive.. and everyday life was exactly the same. He assumed so, at least. He sat up, adjusting his seat so it would force his posture to be more ideal. He backed out of the dirt parking lot of Camp Campbell, giving it a final glance. He took his four 'o clock hand off the wheel to do one last salute before returning it to its spot and fully leaving the premises of the camp.

Goodbye, Camp Campbell. David thought to himself, before shifting his attention to the Almanac playing to keep himself from bawling. First order of buisness, he had to eat. He hadn't done so at all that day.. he'd been busy packing and pacing.

A short drive towards the city, and he pulled up to one of the small diner-like buisnesses he frequented when he wasn't at the camp. He pulled into the small, barren parking lot and hopped out of his car, before heading inside. He hummed to himself, still managing to be outwardly cheery.

A few interactions with the staff members and fellow patrons later, he was sitting at a small table while browsing the menu. He looked up in thought, eyes scanning the community announcement board the diner had up as he tried to make a decision. The board was cute, he enjoyed looking at it. It often had information on animals around the area, things on sale.. now it had information on the Flower Scouts cookie sales. He looked mildly amused as he pondered the idea of becoming a counselor there. Garden Mother David, huh? He chuckled softly to himself, before an ad caught his eye.

Reach your full potential here at Heaven's Gate Campgrounds: Influence, Inspire, and Shape the lives of the new generations.

Hiring for Camp Counselor position; 18+ individuals only, call or text +1 429-281-7666 for more information. Prior work experience appreciated but not required.

David lit up at the sight of the advertisement— what great luck! He sat the menu down, grabbing a pen from one of the "build your own pancakes" bins that had the form that you would fill out. He jotted the number down on his hand.. he'd have to call it later..

In his excitement of the opportunity, David had neglected to read the fine print. Under the bold advertisement lay the jaws of the beast that would most likely come back to bite him later on:

*By applying to work at Heaven's Gate, you adknowledge and accept the risk that comes with applying. Any and all inevitable sacrifice of yourself is NOT held against Heaven Gate or other similar/connected brands, companies, or individuals. Only contact if you're here to help with our noble cause, even at the cost of your own life.

Looks like David would be in for.. a shock, to say the least, when he found out what type of camp this 'Heaven's Gate' truly was.

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