So, it's time to face reality, to expose our lies, to open our eyes, and face fears once and for all. To understand how the world works, we must first understand how we work, what our mind is capable of, and so it is possible to begin understanding how to control the way we think, react to the surroundings, understand others and how to reach new levels.

Now that we are "mature," that is, grown-ups, we can choose where we spend our energy, the thoughts that we must abandon so we can be free, choose to have other references, and mind our own business. Just be curious, desire something, and go after the information. Before even focusing on external things, which are beyond our control, the change has to happen internally (do you remember the process of how the kernel pops?).

Changes occur through the law of habit. I know this part hurts. It hurts because it is, obviously, much more comfortable to continue suffering within a specific pattern that we already know and live with every "holy day" rather than force a change.

For example, being good at being clumsy, forgetful, late are ways to perceive success; after all, it is still a successful case because you succeeded once again. But have you ever stopped to think about what is behind this belief and habit?

Another good news is that life has a lot to offer for those who dare to seek it.

We outline our paths and goals in a way; however, things do not go as expected most of the time. Still, it is better to have a course designed than none.

Over the years, the changes took place as if they were a warning to "fasten your seatbelts." During one of these life processes, my mother and stepfather opened an Italian restaurant. In a short period, the restaurant was acclaimed as a success in the city's gastronomy. On weekends the waiting list was long, and the business was bustling.

It was a year of hard work and a lot of sweat, yet the numbers did not match what was expected. The balance between "payable" and "receivable" was not compensating for that sacrificed life.

With financial difficulties increasing every week, one of the strategies was to change cars to make money pay off. I was thirteen years old and ashamed to arrive with another different vehicle at school, mainly because there was nothing luxurious about it, and everyone used to laugh at me. I was bullied all the time and didn't know how to ask my mother not to pick me up in front of the school gate.

The year was about to be over, and my parents decided to end that restaurant's activities. In this period, we went into recession, and the family was feeling anxious and overthinking thousands of non-answered questions.

What would our life be like from that moment onward?

What was being prepared for this next stage of life?

So, at forty-sixth minute of the second round, just as in football games, a light appeared at the end of the tunnel, and a job offer for my stepfather to work in another city popped up. The moving was made step by step on numerous trips, and the last one happened at the end of the afternoon in a somewhat frightening way, as the car was very old and had almost no light. Once again, I was terrified while my mother was driving on the highway.

I had to start with new friendships, new colleagues; at the new school, everything was unknown to me, a new life. It was the beginning of my "career of change," and I hardly knew what was about to come.

Moving to this new city, my stepfather started working as Director of Marketing and Merchandising in the largest theme park in Latin America. And almost instantly, it was a leap in life! After all, it can't all go wrong for so long, right?

It was also the time when I had my first kiss and fell in love. He asked me to date and when I said yes, he kissed me! I was in love with him. Love, my greatest love ... It was so beautiful!

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