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Y/n (pov)

A tiring day of the office asusual..i turned my phone on, so that i can complete reading the pending novel's and manhwa's..

Just to stay away from reality, i read web novels similar to many transmigrated and reincarnated characters..

If i could just go into a fantasy action novel,and be like them..

I scoffed at the thought,why am i comparing myself to a mere fantasy fiction??

Now i feel more like a depressed woman guess the day was more tiring then usual


'Hm.. Why is she calling now? '



"Hey come on! I'm in such a good to simp for alberu,don't ruin it"

"At what time are you not in a good mood to simp for alberu"

Sighing i went out from my office to go home quickly

"Hey comeon!! I know you simp cale henituse too"

Ignoring her as always y/n continued what she wanted to say

"Did you seriously call me just to tell that you are in a good mood to simp for tcf charcters?"

"Yeahh...y/n can you come to my house today...i have a bad feeling that something might happened to you"

"it's not like I'm going to die either"

"stop saying such things you idiot?!"

Hm..?.. A truck?

'I didn't notice that a truck was coming towards me!!?? Wait weren't i just crossing the road to reach my car which is parked in the opposite direction'

'Wh-why can't i move?! It's as if I'm frozen and my legs are stuck in the ground'

"Y/n can you hear me???"


'The truck is going to hit me im i just going to die like this!?'


Third (pov)

Suddenly the truck crashed into the young female who looked like she was barely in her early 20s

Leaving the bleeding young female with a puddle of blood and from her phone the voice of her concerned friend coming out.. People started to gather around and started to call for a ambulance

"Y/n hello?! Are you alright??!!"

But the said female had already stopped breathing, instead a stranger picked up y/n's phone and answered in a monotone voice..

"Your friend is dead"
And ended the call without hearing the answer from the other side,then placed the phone right behind y/n and dissapeared in the crowd..

Somewhere with y/n


A groan was heard it was indeed y/n's voice and y/n who was waking up from her sleep saw a unknown white room

"Aren't i supposed to be dead?"
The confused y/n questioned herself

But soon a voice can be heard

"I see that you have woken up"

"who are you?" y/n questioned seeing that no one else other than her was visible in the white room

"i am the god of death, child"

".............are you serious?..didn't i die right know"

"Hm.. You are indeed a peculiar mortal"

"..Wait.. Are you the God of death from trash of the count's family novel??"

"I am?"


"how rude.. Of course i exist"

"What am i doing here?"

"Hm..you are going to another world"

"B-but i didn't make a deal with any god or a demon or anyone!"

"....Good bye"

"Wait!! "

And i lost my consciousness i guess now i know why cale hates gods


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