But we had each other, and we had our family, and we weren't taking anything for granted. Not anymore.

"Da!" Teddy exclaimed in recognition, wiggling in my arms, eager to greet his father.

They really were two peas in a pod, and I was only a tiny bit jealous that Teddy's first word six weeks ago, which he'd since shortened into a cute nickname of sort, was for his dad.

Spencer's smile widened into a grin, "How are my two favourite people in the entire world, eh?"

He scooped Teddy up out of my arms, and tickled his tummy, our boy squirming and laughing in sheer childhood delight.

"Did you have a good morning with Mommy?" He questioned Teddy who was still giggling, "Hm? Did you have a nice morning?"

Spencer planted a kiss amongst his golden curls and then bent down, sealing his lips to mine.

"Hello Mrs Haywood," He said lowly, hand cupping the back of my head, his eyes sparkling, "You look divine."

I looked down at the cap sleeved floor length white cotton dress I was wearing and raised an eyebrow at him sceptically, "This?"

Spencer nodded, leaning in to kiss me again, "My Angel..."

"Da!" Teddy protested, evidently wanting attention. He put his little palms on Spencer's cheeks, tugging at his stubble.

Spencer laughed, "Master Haywood, are you telling me I need to shave?"

I giggled, "I like the stubble, Spence. But Teddy, are you going to tell Daddy the big thing you just did while he was away?"

Spencer looked at me quizzically.

"He walked Spence!" I could barely keep in my excitement, "He took a couple of steps right here just now."

Spencer's expression lit up, "Are you serious? I knew he'd do it soon! Oh, I can't believe I missed it!"

Teddy launched into his baby babble again, and Spencer listened attentively, nodding his head as if he could understand exactly what our son was saying. I couldn't help but imagine he was telling his dad all about his first steps.

But soon Ted was restless, keen to be with his best friend - our cat, Cookie - and he was squirming out of Spencer's arms again to continue crawling across the rug with his feline pal.

Spencer flopped onto the sofa next to me, pulling me into him as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Have you thought any more about it?" he asked, kissing the top of my head.

"London?" I replied, "Spence, you know it's all I can think about. But I was trying to give myself a break today."

"I know, baby, I'm sorry," he replied, sighing, "I'm not trying to pressure you. I can't make up my mind about it either."

We'd built such an incredible life for ourselves here. Winter in the Manhattan penthouse. Summer in the Hamptons with a trip to Cancun planned for next year so Teddy could finally meet his Bisabuela in person. Two weeks in Easter in Brosgrove with the Haywoods. We'd established such a pattern.

So, why were we thinking about upending it all to move to the UK?

"It's a big change, I know," he said, "But you know I want to move operations out more with the London bureau and with BWR getting bigger offices there too...it could really work."

Of course it could, otherwise we wouldn't be considering it, nor would we have looked at glossy brochures or online guides for sprawling houses near to London. But if we did move, it would be more than odd.

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