
Start from the beginning

So here she was, laying down on Mattia's carpeted living room floor, hearing her first cousin once-removed crying loudly and nothing being able to stop her.

"Hopefully he answers," Des says, dialing Alejandro's phone number and waiting for anyone to answer. Just went straight to voicemail before her phone vibrated.



what happened?

Hi, sorry to wake you up, Lu will not go down to sleep and Mattia has tried everything. Can you come over? We're thinking it's because you aren't here and she can only sleep with you




why can't mattia put her to sleep himself

that's so fucking annoying

he's been preparing for her ever since we found out i was pregnant

how come i'm the only one who can put her to sleep

tell him to man up and get his daughter to sleep on his own



"One second Nano,"

"I'm hungry,"

"Okay, you see the screen? It says two more miles, so just nine more minutes babe. When I'm done I'll make breakfast for you." Alejandro told his little brother, looking down at his watch to see his heartbeat.

"Why don't you go set up the table?" Alejandro offered, just to keep Nano busy while he finished on the treadmill, once he was done, he was gonna go make breakfast, then he and Nano were gonna go out for a bit, maybe take a walk since it was a Friday morning and Nano had off from school.

Alejandro finished pretty quickly after his brother's complaints, deciding that it was finally time to stop working out and make breakfast.

"Waffles or pancakes?"

"Waffles, please...and Ale?...I wanted to talk to you about something...can I?" Nano asked, hopping on top of the counter and swinging his little legs back and forth, waiting for a reply from his older brother who started to take out the ingredients for waffles.

"Okay, as long as it's not about-"


Alejandro stopped, looking over at Nano and sighing. "We've talked about this Emiliano. I told you that we aren't gonna talk to him anymore."

"But...I...I just wanted to ask to stay with him for the weekend...it's not like we even do anything together when it's just you and me...please?"

Alejandro rolled his eyes frustratedly, trying to keep his cool because he knew if he yelled at Nano now, then he'd be crying and screaming, and Alejandro didn't wanna deal with that. "The answer is no, Nano. You can go to Des or Kairi's house this weekend if you want, but not Mattia's house."

𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨y /𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨/ ✅Where stories live. Discover now