Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party

Start from the beginning

"Hey you guys" Ron says as he hugs Cal, Flo and Y/N tightly "you guys all look great"

Y/N notices at Ron can't seem to take his eyes off of Flo who seems oblivious to Ron's gaze as she hugs Hermione and Harry tightly

"Yeah we look under dressed" Harry says as he hugs Y/N and Cal.

"Speak for yourself my girlfriend looks stunning," Y/N says and Hermione blushes as the Ravenclaw hugs the Gryffindor girl tightly lifting her slightly in the air and kisses her tenderly on the lips.

Hermione giggles against Y/N lips as she gently places her back on the ground. "Hi there baby"

"Hey gorgeous" Y/N smirks and her eyes dart across the Gryffindor's outfit "you should where black more often, it's definitely a turn on"

Hermione giggles "maybe it's just your style rubbing off on me"

Harry rolls his eyes "Godric you two. You're acting like you didn't just see each other a few hours ago"

Callan laughs "Harry makes a fair point but also I think you've been spending too much time with me and Y/N over the summer"

Y/N smirks as she wraps her arms around Hermione's waist "yeah you're a little sassier than usual"

Harry ares at Y/N "shut it Y/N, I am not"

The others laugh then Cal gestures for them to head off. "Come let's go I've got to say hello to my handsome boyfriend"

Harry and Ron both snicker "whipped" they both cough under their breath making Cal frown and he whacks them both playfully making the three girls laugh

"Aren't we an odd bunch" Flo says and Hermione smiles whilst Y/N chuckles

"Yeah, but I wouldn't change it for anything" Y/N replies squeezing Hermione's hand a little tighter and the Gryffindor girl grins and kisses the Ravenclaw's cheek as they walk to the Hufflepuff common room.

Hermione and Y/N trail a little bit behind the group, the Gryffindor girl looks a little worried and her girlfriend notices. Y/N gives her a look as Hermione sighs "I'm fine Y/N" she says

"I know when something is troubling you 'moine" Y/N says and the Gryffindor nods "please just tell me what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours"

"It's silly really" Hermione starts "it's just that, I can't shake the thought that we shouldn't even be going out partying, in a time like this"

Y/N nods "I get it. But I think it's exactly why we need one, to just forget what's going on, at least for a little while."

"I see both sides to it," Hermione says and Y/N squeezes her hand reassuringly

"Let's just have fun tonight," Y/N says "for once just act our age and not think about prophecies, death eaters and wizard wars"

Hermione smiles "I think I can manage that. As long as your by my side"

Y/N grins and kisses Hermione's cheek "like I would be anywhere else"

They walk in the direction of the kitchens but turn down a different corridor where they can hear thumping music. The entrance of the common room is right ahead and Cal steps forward to do the password. He taps one of the barrels in a rhythmic tune and the door swings open to reveal many Hogwarts students from various houses dancing to the loud music or playing games in the corner.

"Bloody hell," Ron says in utter shock.

Flo smirks "puts a Gryffindor party to shame"

They look around the place to see it decked out in banners streamers and lights. On the second level, Y/N looks up to see Jorden on Dj duty playing some banging 2000s tunes.

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