Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

Y/N and Flo grin "you're bringing back the annual Hufflepuff party" Y/N says

"That I am" Jorden says "it's been way too long since we've hosted one"

"I think I'm missing something here" Callan says and Jorden grins

"Hufflepuff host a massive party for all the student before classes start" Jorden says

"Hufflepuff have always thrown the biggest party" Ron says "I've always wanted to go but well..."

Harry and Hermione look Ron a little insulted "don't blame us for you not going" Harry says

"The last few that were hosted we were in 1st and 2nd year and not allowed to go" Hermione says

"Speak for yourself" Y/N says "Flo, Jord's and I have gone since 2nd year"

"How'd you get in" Ron says surprised

"Jorden made a few friends with the sixths years and let us in" Flo says "but anyways they haven't done a Hufflepuff party since third year"

"Well that is about to change" Jorden says with a wide smile clearly excited "Anyways you guys are all coming and spread the word to others. It's going to be huge and we are not missing it"

"We'll be there" Y/N says and the others nod

"Of course we'll come mate" Ron says and Jorden smiles

"Thanks guys" Jorden says and Cal kisses the Hufflepuff's cheek

"Well you know I'm always down for a party Jordy" the Slytherin boy says

Jorden grins and blushes faintly "oh I know all too well, babes"

As the trip to Hogwarts continues, the group drift from casual conversation to doing their own thing. Y/N holds Hermione close and reads her textbook with her.

"Don't you see, it was a ceremony. An initiation." Harry says as the conversation drifts to what happened with the Malfoy's at Borgin & Burkes

"Stop, Harry, I know where you're going with this" Flo says

"It's happened. He's one of them." Harry replies and Flo sighs and Ron looks at the two of them confused

"One of what?" Ron asks

"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater" Flo says and Ron looks at Harry stunned

"You're barking. What would You-Know-Who want with a sod like Malfoy?" Ron scoffs

"So what's he doing in Borgin and Burke's? Browsing for furniture?" Harry counters

"It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke." Callan replies "Y/N and I have been to the Malfoy manor to know that their style hasn't changed in years"

Y/N snickers and nods "that's true, but if I know my cousin, he's never been interested in furniture, especially antiques like the cabinet we saw"

Harry nods "Look. His father's a Death Eater. It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it. With her own eyes."

"I told you. I don't know what I saw." Hermione replies then goes back to reading her book.

"Y/N back me up here" Harry says looking at the Ravenclaw says

All eyes are on the Ravenclaw girl and Y/N sighs "it's all speculation Harry. And unfortunately we can't act on speculation"

Harry stays silent after that. He looks irritated by the others responses. The raven-haired boy rises and opens the cabin door with his invisibility cloak in hand. "I need some air," he says and exits the cabin

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