A cold blast of wind pulled at our backs, as if the entire pit were inhaling. For a terrifying moment, I lost ground, my feet slipping in the gravel. If we'd been any closer to the edge, we would've been sucked in.

But I managed to drag them all into the shadows and we emerged out somewhere in the asphodel fields.

I think I heard a wail of outrage. Someone wasn't happy we'd gotten away.

Who was it after anyway? Me ? Percy? But the shoes were dragging the satyr. What would a satyr be useful for them? And how did they manage to curse that show anyway? Well, I can find out later. Right now, I need to find out what these idiots are doing here.

“That was close." I said
"What are you doing here, anyway? I don't think you came here to visit the tartarus, did you? And Livings aren’t allowed in here.”

“We are here to visit lord Hades,” Percy replied. “thanks for the help though”

“It’s okay.” I said. “So, you weren’t captured then. That's good, get out of here immediately. Father punishes trespassers severely and father is angry with you to begin with. And you shouldn’t use god’s name so lightly. Names have power. Father must know of your location now if he didn't know before."

“What do you mean, father?” he asked. “I thought he wasn’t supposed to have children.”

Of all things he could ask. “Yours wasn’t supposed to either, but here were are,” I replied. “Now Get out immediately. I can take you out. Come.”

“I can't. I really have to meet him. So let us go. Or even better, you can take us to him can't you?” He said.

He really is a stubborn idiot it seems.
“Why do you want to meet him, anyway?” Though I do have suspicion as to why?

“To ask for the bolt in order to stop the war.” He replied. Beside him Annabeth hissed.

My anger rose hearing that. I gripped the sceptre so hard, it would have broken if it wasn't made up of one of the strongest metal in the world, then i slammed into the ground and the ground shook upon impact. They stumbled and nearly fell to the ground. I could feel my face heat up with anger. So he was really here for that. Does he really think father has it? His own helm is missing for god's sake. Granted, they don't know about it but still.. Why would he even take it? It would provide him extra powers granted, but what would be lightning be useful for the god of dead. If he really needed another powerful weapon, he would have it forged here in the underworld. A weapon that would suit him that the bolt.

And from everything I know which is a lot since I have been studying Greek history since I was seven years old. Father hasn't done anything except remain a dutiful king of the underworld. Then why this distrust? Why this hate? Other gods have done far more atrocious things than my father has. He rarely even ventures out of the underworld. So, Why were we treated so harshly? 

“You know I am really tempted to let you go only to see how father reacts.” I replied. “ You probably will be suffer an eternal torture for that. And believe me I am really tempted to let you but I won't. You don't even know him, and you are saying what everyone does. So, Listen, bolt isn’t here. You can go.”

But, too late a group of skeletons had arrived.

One of them came in front of me and bowed.

“My lord has ordered the trespassers to be brought into the throne room. Your highness.”

Well, I did warn them. They were the one who didn't listen to me. Let them face the torture. That would teach them.

I turned towards them and said, "You will have to come now. Don't say I didn't do anything. Just hope father is in a good mood now otherwise you won't like the consequences.”

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