I Spend by Reminiscing The Past Where You Were Still by My Side

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Credits to the artist of the cover:

I got the artist's permission✨Really want to do "thy" but i dont think that's the correct usage for thy

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I got the artist's permission✨
Really want to do "thy" but i dont think that's the correct usage for thy. And i erased the numbers before the words fic because it was characters and not words. I ain't gonna embarrass myself.

(I dont know if snows already melts on the first day of spring, so lets just pretend it does because we clearly dont have snows on tropical countries. Also, if there is a mistake on the Korean honorifics, please tell me, because i'm unsure on the harabeoji one)


A man in his late fifties and a black dragon stood and sat respectively as they stared at each other in deafening silence. The dragon's gaze held longing and sadness, and the man's gaze held the same look mixed with understanding.

"It's the first day of spring once again Choi Han."

The man- Choi Han- and the black dragon- Raon Miru.

Choi Han gave a bitter smile to Raon. The little black dragon has grown up to be a great and mighty dragon lord.

'Cale-nim, i wish you were here to see how powerful he had become and how he's always motivated to grow, even after his third growth-phase'

Yet, despite that, the great and mighty dragon lord couldn't bear to look at a mere painting.

Choi Han think that, no matter how great and mighty someone is, they wouldn't be able to forget the death of their loved ones. Him included.

He watched as how Raon's gaze drifted away from him to stare at the large painting on the museum wall. The biggest and most luxurious painting in the museum, made by experts to capture the beauty and glory of the hero of the Western and Eastern Continent.

The beautiful redhead may be a hero who had saved them all in the eye of the citizens. He was called Young Master Silver Shield, a blessing from God, the Chosen one of the Gods, God's Messenger. One might mistake him for the mightiest race of the mortal realm, dragons, and one might even say he was a God that descended from Heaven to save their world from impending (But not inevitable) doom.

But to Choi Han and Raon Miru, he was a liege and a father figure. A home, salvation, concord, and hope to many individuals he had sheltered and taken care of. That includes the two of them.

Choi Han disliked the red of blood, it reminds him of the way he suffered in the Forest of Darkness when he first arrived here; of the blood that was left behind him as he was dragged by a monster, severely injured and desperate to escape; Of the blood of the innocent villagers and the blazing fire that devoured the houses of Harris Village; Of the blood on his sword after he killed the members of Arm.

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