Chapter 6 Omega.(Smut😱)

Start from the beginning

Driver:! Sorry, sir! Right away!

*the driver quickly went in the car and drives to the mansion *

Aamon:Also. Don't tell anyone about this alr..? you already know what will happen to people that disrespect me.

Driver:yes ofc sir!

*Aamon then looked at natan sleeping he then made him look at him while then he smirked*

Aamon's pov.
I must say you look cute when you're like this heh

*Natan then was mumbling a bit then he hugged aamon more tight*

*aamon let him do that as he was patting his head while letting him sleep"

*After some minutes they have finally arrived at the mansion*

Driver:Sir we have reached the mansion

Aamon:ok good

*It was almost night now soon as aamon walked into the mansion fusion suddenly noticed him and then run straight to him*



Gusion:is it true?? Sir natan is an-

Aamon:Omega? well you can see hes in my arms rn all tired and yes, he is an omega

Gusion:Woah I can see that do can't believe he is one but that didn't give you a right to go rough on him!!

Aamon:Oh pls he asked for me to and side doesn't you and haya to do that to

*As gusion's mouth was dropped open, aamon took natan to hes room*

Aamon's pov.
And I must say he isn't that heavy at all

*He then put natan on his bed*

Aamon:Sleep well natan

*Aamon patted hes as he smiled while then goes in the bathroom*

*The next day*

*Natan then woke up then he was shocked cause he was in someone else room*

Natan's pov.
What??? Where am I?? Wait what happen yesterday???

*Natan then remembers everything*

Natan's pov.
No way. Did I really..sht sht!! From all alphas why did, it have to be him?? Sht!!

*Natan then looks around he heard someone was in the shower*

Natan's pov.
Sht I need to get out of here! Before he finishes showering!

*Natan tried to get off the bed*


Natan's pov.
Fck that hurts! Did he go that rough??

*Natan the grab hes phone and sees Lunox send him so many messages, natan then grabbed hes stuff, and hes butt was hurting the cause of aamon*

Natan:ugh. That hurts fck this.

Aamon:Going somewhere omega?

*Natan then was shocked as aamon called out hes name*

Aamon:Hm not even a thank you for helping you?

Natan:Thank you my a$$! You Basta-

"As natan turns around he can see aamon shirtless he kept staring at hes abbs"

Aamon:Like what you see?


*As natan snaps out of bit he shakes his head then grabbed hes stuff then started running away*

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