Chapter 1

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It was my birthday and I was celebrating with my mom and dad and older twin brother and sister. We just got done with the new sonic movie. "How'd you look the movie sweetheart?" Said mom. "It was so cool! There was sonic and knuckles on it. ""Well we glad you like it" said dad. "We get home we got other surprise for you." We drove home and dad went to go get my gift. *whisper* "Sam you got that sonic game for (y/n)? Yep, got it right here dad." Sam pulls out a black disk that had sonic written with red. "What kind of sonic game is this?" "Don't know but the guy at the counter said with was rare one of a kind." "Dad comes over and gives the disk to (y/n). "Wow thank you Dad!" I'm gonna play it right away." (Y/n) runs up the stairs to play the sonic game. "He really likes sonic huh?" Says Amanda  "Yeah I guess its to make up for his lack of friends." "Sam don't say that!" "Well it's true I love him he's my brother it's just that every since that day he never really had any." "Your right but that doesn't make any less rude." While they were still taking little did they know y/n was eavesdropping. He then just go the his room while quietly sobbing. Stupid Sam Stupid Amanda what do they know. And on my special day too. I just going to play this sonic game hopefully it will make me feel better. I loved sonic and everything about it. Posters,bed sheets even tooth brush. Sonic was just so cool and it was like I could look up to something. I looked at the disk one more time and I didn't look like any sonic game I ever since maybe it was new. I put it in my console and it started up. When it did there was just a black screen the said start. I clicked it and everything went black. I woke up to a killer headache and looked around to see that I was the green hill zone? This had to be a dream or something an Amazing dream. It felt like I was really here I walked around not long and saw something... concerning. A clicky with its head ripped off. Safe to say I was scared and let out a scream. Then I heard someone. "Who's there!?"

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