You feel a lump in your throat, as you see the Tiny blue speckles in his eyes. "Loki Your eyes..?" You sigh relived.

"My eyes?" He questions.

You reach out your hand cupping his face. As a smile grows on your lips. "They're blue"

Loki pulls away. "What?" He scoffs coldly.

"I knew that wasn't you.." you chuckle lightly. "I knew something was wrong form the moment I saw you.." you say as you walk closer to him, but with each step you take he backs away. "This wasn't your doing.. you're being manipulated" You take a deep breath as you grab a hold of a book, hitting him as hard as you can directly on the head. As he falls to the ground. As he tries to get up, you knock him out.

"That'll do.. just for safety" you say. Then you walk out the door. He'll probably be out for a good couple of hours. And hopefully when you return Loki will be fine.

Yet you can't shake the words off you. Goddess of beauty and desire.. Could it be true, that the only reason they feel for you, was because of that..

You can only think of one person who's willing to be completely honest with you. The one person that knows more about your life than anyone.. you run out to the roof. And all though you hadn't done this in years, it would be worth a shot.

"Heimdall.. please if you can hear me. I need to speak with Thor.. I'm begging you" you call out o the sky. Waiting patiently outside for minutes. But nothing happens.. of course it didn't work. You've truly been cut out of Asgard. You stumble back to your room, throwing yourself onto the bed. You grab your laptop trying to see if you can find any information about the so called goddess of beauty and desire. But it's useless. There's nothing that can tell you if it's true or not.

Suddenly your hear knock on the door. You slowly make your way to open the door. And there he is, Heimdall hears your prayer. You fall into his embrace holding onto him tightly.

"I was afraid you didn't get my message" you sigh.

"I'm sorry my lady, I came as fast as I could.." there's sadness in his voice, it doesn't seem like his conversation with his father went very well. "What can I do for you?" Thor asks.

"Loki.. it wasn't him" you share excitedly. "At least not all of him, he was under the same mind control as I" you explain.

"My lady.. my brother was the only one to wield the power of the Scepter " Thor says sadly. "I know you care about my brother, as do I but I'm afrai-"

"He was the only one to wield its power that we know of" you interrupt him. "But someone had to have given him the Scepter, possibly the same person who put him on this rampage" you explain further. "You have to let him stay here, until we find out who we're dealing with.. We both now I can't return to Asgard.. and I think you know why"

Thor looks up at you with his warm kind eyes. As he sits down next to you on your bed. "I could always try to speak with my father once more"

"Loki told me something Thor" you admit. "And I need you to be honest with me.. tell me the truth" you plead him, as you grab his hand.

"I'll do my very best"

"Am I the goddess of beauty and desire?" You ask nervously. Thor looks at you with pure shock in his face. He remains completely silent. "Thor?" You ask more firmly.

He nods his head slowly. "Yes my lady"

You exhale sharply.. You're entire world is falling Apart right in your hands. "Why did I not know that?"

"My father.." Thor says sadly. "He erased the memory of your real parents.. About your life before you came to live with your adoptive mother..Your magic" Thor explains. There's so much hurt in his voice. "My mother she tried to help you.. but it was to late he had already-"

"He banished me?" You ask in pure shock. "He's the reason I ended up on earth?"

"I'm afraid so.."

"But why?" You ask. What did you ever do to deserve to be banished from your own home. He was the reason your life had been torn apart.

"He feared you were using your powers to get to the thrown, like your mother tried once before" Thor explains.. "luring Loki and I"

"I swear I would never" you assure him.

He cups your face. "I know you did nothing of that sort" Thor reassures you. "So does my mother, but my father has been caught in a web of lies.. shortly after your death Loki he..." Thor trails off, you can sense how much it hurts to speak off. "Loki locked himself away, and when I was crowned king he did everything in his power to destroy my happiness.. I was banished to earth. When Loki found out he was indeed not Odins son nor my brother. He was heartbroken. Later he learned that he had taken you away from us.. killing your parents when you were only an infant.. " Thor explains further.

You listen intensely.. how could any of this be real.. "Loki..he turned to dark magic fixated on bringing you back. He went down a long dark path. But all dark magic comes with a price. And Loki got consumed by anger and resentment for our father...and for me." Thor adds. "Loki hated our father for what he did to you, he was so obsessed with getting the throne. He killed himself hoping to reunite with you, guess it was all a scheme.."

"Odin killed my parents?"

"He was fixated on this prophecy that your mother would tear down our family.. and when you started to grow older, he was afraid you'd be the one" Thor sighs. "Loki lost his mind trying to get back to you.. get you back to us"

"Thor.. tell me you helped him." You say quietly.

"I'm afraid I trusted blindly in our father. That he was protecting us. I let Loki down." Thor admits, as he looks down at his hands, to ashamed to look you in the eyes. "But now we need to help him. Bring back the loving Loki we both knew."

"Loki told me something else.. that no one ever truly loved me.. that it was all an illusion." You share, hoping deeply it wasn't true.

"I'm afraid that's just my brothers envy talking. You can do no such thing.."

"Then what is it I do?" You ask tiredly.

"You are a symbol of love and affection, which open up peoples hearts, not just to you, but to everyone around you. You cannot make a man fall in love with you, but you can open his heart to what he truly desires. To see the beauty within everything." Thor explains, the way he talks about it, makes it sound so beautiful.

"So the love you felt for me?"

"Was all because I see a strong, selfless beautiful woman. That I would do anything for" Thor assures you.

You embrace him warmly, resting into the hug for as long as you can. "Thank you Thor. And thank you for believing in Loki.. he needs that." You say softly

"I'll do anything for my brother.. and for you"

"As will I my prince"

Thor smiles broadly, as he breaks the hug, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. "I actually met someone" Thor shares.

You look up at him, and for the first time you feel a relief. At least one of you got to move on, be happy with someone else.

"She's amazing, and she's from here"

"Thor I'm so happy for you" you smile, hugging him once again. "Tell me everything"

He sits down beside you, telling you everything about the woman he met when Odín cast him out. How they spent a few days together. You're so happy for him words can't begin to explain it. The love he had for you was never something you could return. The fact he might have found someone that loves him, that's exactly what you needed to hear.

"I'll go talk to my brother, get some rest Lady y/n, you need to take care of yourself" Thor says nervously. As he walks to the door.

"Thor?" You say quietly. He turns around looking down at you. "I've missed you"

"Not as much as I have missed you prinsesse" he winks.

You fall back onto your bed, as those small butterflies fill up your stomach. This is quite a mess you've landed in. Surrounded by all the people you love, unable to choose.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now