"You owe me a real explanation... no more lying"

You take a deep breath, resting your head against the wall, as you slowly close your eyes.

"Okay.. what do you want to know.." you sigh. As you look up at him.

"Did you know who I was before we met?" He asks coldly. His lips twitches as he speaks.

"No" you admit, shaking your head. "But I found out when we met"

Tony chuckles, resting his back against the closet. Crossing his arms. "The letters.." he trails off. "That was you and my... my father?"

"Yes... please come sit"

"I'm good thanks" he hisses.

"Tony.. I know your father let you down.. and I'm sorry, if I had known t-"

"Known what?" Tony growls.

"He was so proud of you.."

"He was cold.. calculated... he never told me he loved me.. he never even told me he liked me" Tony explains. "So it's a little hard for me to digest when you're telling me he was proud of me" his voice cracks. "Did you two ever..?" Tony raises his eyebrow. Clearly uncomfortable at the thought of you sleeping with his father.. which is fair.

"God no.. I wouldn't have.. you know.." you find it hard to say those words to him.

"Fucked me?"

"We kissed a couple of times yes.. and I did have feeling for him at some point...But nothing more" you share. "Your father was my best friend, he helped me, understood me"

"What's the deal with you and the captain?" Tony asks. You feel like you're being interrogated.

"Please don't" you flinch. Just thinking about what happened makes your heart break all over again.

"No more lies"

"I know.. I'm just not ready to talk about that again" you admit sadly. "I'll tell you everything else, I just can't okay!?" You says desperately. There's a moment of silence where Tony looks down at the ground. "It was complicated.. everything about this is just to much"

"Did you ever love me?" He asks softly, as he looks you in the eyes.

"Of course I did Tony.. I was madly in love with you actually.. in ways I never thought possible" you say softly, reaching out for his hands. He quickly pulls it away.

"For a while nothing else mattered, I thought I had found my forever" you explain, as a lump grows in your throat, like you can't breathe properly. "One day reality slowly pulled me out.. and the thought of watching you grow old.. while I.." you trail off as your breathing slows down. Your vision is getting blurry, as your eyes water. "I couldn't do that.." you

"You broke me you know" Tony says sadly. "I spent years trying to find the love we had within different people.."


"No it's my turn.. I searched for you.. looked you up. But all you gave me me was a fake name.. our love wasn't even real" he whimpers. "And when I got kidnapped, when I thought I was gonna die, all I wanted was to see you.. just one more time"

"I'm sorry I left.. but it was for the best"

"Best isn't good enough" Tony hisses.

"I did love you.. some part of me still loves you.. and don't for a second think I didn't think of you. I spent years thinking about you" you hiss back at him.

"Yeah well, now that you're living under my roof again.. I just want some ground rules.. don't think for a moment we're friends.. we're colleagues. We don't hold movie nights, we just co-exist" Tony scoffs as he walks out the door. You truly ruined him.

You rest your head on the pillow, looking up at the ceiling. That wasn't really what you wanted to get out of that conversation..

Natasha opens the door slowly, popping her head in through the door. "He's here"

You look over at her, as you take a deep breath. Getting up from the bed. Making you way out to the living room. Loki stands in silence as he eyes you up and down. His arms still cuffed together, at least they removed the cuff around his mouth.

He had dark shadows under his eyes, clearly he hadn't been sleeping the past days. He looked even worse than he did a few days ago.

"I'll take it from here boys" you say to the guards standing behind him. They look at each other for a moment before letting go of the grip on Loki. "Follow me" you say softly.

Loki remains awfully quiet, it makes you uncomfortable, he always has a snarky comment.

You show him to his room, it's highly secured, to open the door you have to firstly use a chip, then face recognition, and then a password. Just to be sure. There was cameras monitoring his every movement, a part from his bedroom. There was a small toilet, a living room with a single chair, some books and a lamp. And then his bedroom with just a single bed.

As soon as you and loki walk into the room, you remove the cuffs from his wrists. He's still not saying anything.

Loki watches you intensely, like he's tearing your apart with his eyes.

"I'm really happy to see you" you smile softly. Hoping for just a tiny sign of something. "I helped decorate the place, I got some of my favorite books, I though you'd like them.." you try harder to fill the silence. "If you need anything don't hesitate to call on me, I'm right next door soo.."

He stands completely still, just looking you up and down.

You walk to the book shelf picking out a book. "This one is really great.. it's poetry, I wasn't sure if you still liked that, but I highlighted my favorite ones.." You chuckle thinking back at how he used to do the same for you. "Do you want me to leave?" You ask sadly.

Still nothing.

"Alright.. just let me know if I can do anything" you sigh. As you walk out the door. You stay outside letting your body crumble down against the doorframe.

Steve walks by, on his way to check on you.

"I'll take that as sign it didn't go as planned" he smiles sadly, as he sits down beside you.

"That obvious huh?" You chuckle lightly as you look at him.

"I think it's an honorable thing you're doing" Steve smiles softly. He grabs your hand hesitantly. It's adorable how shy he is around you.

"Not really.. I'm just so goddamn gullible" you sigh.

"No y/n.. you care, you see the best in all people" Steve assures you, as he looks admiringly into your eyes.

"Perhaps there's not good in everyone"

"Don't give up.. that's not what you do"

There's a moment of silence where you look down at the ground.

"I can't believe you're alive" you chuckle nervously.

"I can't believe you are" Steve sighs.."I though you'd be long gone"

"Some part of me is" you admit sadly. Looking up at him.

"I can see that.. but you look good.. I mean you looked good before.. you look-" he trails off



"Just stop" you chuckle


"You look good too" you smile weakly "I feel like we should talk about.. us." You say quietly.. Everything turned out so complicated.."I just don't know where to start"

"Me neither.. it's a little complicated"

"You have no idea.." you grin.. "Complicated doesn't seem to cover what's going on. How about we just.. figure it along the way?"

"I can do that"

You rest your head on his shoulder.. Feeling as those Tiny butterflies flies around in your stomach. God you've missed him.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now