Steve looks at you with sad eyes. "Stark you're not thinking straight" Steve claims.

Tony pushes him away. "Oh I think for the first time I am... I see her for exactly what she is.. a monster" he hisses.

A tear rolls down your cheek as he says that word. You can't look at him. "I'm sorry" you stammer. "I'm sorry I broke your heart.. but don't think for one second it didn't break mine too.. I know I messed up. All my life I've messed up" you say softly.

"Well you can keep your empty words.. I don't want them anymore" Tony scoffs as he throws the note you wrote him on the floor.. then he walks away. He had kept it on him for all those years... and you just broke him again.

Steve rushes down to your side looking down on you. "Are you okay?" He asks softly. As he looks at your red arms. "He did that?" He asks, there's a shift in his voice a darkness you haven't heard since Bucky died. You simply nod your head. "I'm gonna make him pay don't worry" he hisses, getting back up but you grab his hand.

"It's okay.. I deserved it... " you whimper.

He kneels down before you looking you in the eyes. "No lady deserves to be treated in such a manner" he scoffs .

He helps you up as he takes another look at your arm. It's already gone. There's no sign he ever laid a hand on you. But the wrenching gut feeling still sticks.

"Is it true what he said?" Steve asks. "You loved me?" He asks softly.

You nod your head slowly.

"You loved me?" He smiles brightly.

"You're still don't understand women at all do you" you chuckle.

"I just thought liked me as a friend" he admits.

"Even after I kissed you?" You question.

"I didn't dare to hope you'd ever return my feelings" he says quietly.

"So you?.." you trail off.

"I did" he admits.

"And now?" You ask hesitantly.

"Well you might have been alive these past 70 years.. but for me time was frozen.. it's like I'm still right back there" he explains.

"Yeah..." you say as the both of you stand up slowly. Your faces just a few inches apart. "We should.."

"Yeah" Steve says.

"Yeah" you repeat.

As the both of you walk into the laboratory.

"That took you long enough..." Nat says quietly.

"Lady y/n are you alright" Thor asks as he rushes to your side noticing your red swollen eyes.

You look at Tony who's face is still burning red. "I'm perfectly fine Thor.. thank you.. I just really messed up" you say hoping Tony hears it. "Why is everyone so silent?" You ask.

"Because Fury is using the cube to make weapons for SHIELD" Banner explains.

"That's not what we need to focus on right now Bruce, we need to get you away from this place" you explain.

"You don't give me orders" He scoffs.

"Actually I do" you hiss. "Loki is manipulating you" you say.

"She's right banner" Nat backs you up.

"And what have you been doing to everyone here Agent Jones?" Banner chuckles. "It seems like this scheme is all about you"

"This isn't about you.. and it most certainly isn't about me" you hiss back. "It's about stopping Loki from repeating a mistake that was once made before" you explain refereeing to Schmidt.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now