Budapest operation

Start from the beginning

It's done.

"What now?" You ask nervously. You have a bad feeling about this.. like it was far to easy.

"I'll go call Fury, then we'll go home" Clint sighs.

As Clint is speaking with the phone, Natasha runs through the door, pure panic in her eyes.

"They saw me, the Hungarian special forces.. we need to go" she murmurs as she starts packing her bags. "Where's the other guy?"

"He's talking to SHIELD they're going to help us get out of this"

"There's no time, we need to move... Now" she exclaims.

You, Clint and Natasha, spend the day looking for shelter. There's no plan, no extraction plan. Nothing just the three of you. As you drive slowly out of the city, you hear the sirens closing up on you. They're right behind you. A bullet hits the back tire, throwing you off the road. You leave all you belongings in the car as you run into the Forrest. The adrenaline kicks in, you've never run this fast in your life. But it seems your instincts kick in. They're right behind you, they're muffled yells dissolve into meaningless words.

Natasha then stops seeking cover behind the trees, opening fire. You look terrified back at her, as you do the same. Starting a heavy firefight. As soon as you've slowed them down you continue running. You turn your head around, seems as though you've lost them.. you just killed someone.

You're on the run for hours on end, until you stumble across a small cabin on the edge of the city. You take shifts at sleeping. You and Clint get the first 5 hours of sleep as Natasha is on the lookout. But you can't fall asleep. You stumble into the living room, she's sitting by the window looking out. She hears you walk inside looking over at you, smiling softly.

"Are you okay?" She questions.

"Yeah... just couldn't sleep" you sigh.

"Is this your first time on the run?"

"You could say that.. I'm usually on the right side of the law" you chuckle nervously.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this.." she says sadly.

"Hey" you say kindly. "I wanted to do this.. I still do, you're not alone" you smile warmly.

"Thank you.. for trusting me"

"I actually talked with Nick.. If you're interested we might have a job for you.. on the right side of things for a change" you smirk.

"Wait really?" She says questioningly, her eyes light up.

"Really.. I've seen what you can do, and once we're not being chased anymore I think you could become so much more" you smile. You grab her hand.

"We'll get you home.. you probably have a family or something you're missing" she chuckles.

Your expression softens. "This is my family, SHIELD. I don't really have a lot of friends" you sigh sadly.

"Me neither.."

You both look at each other.

"What's your excuse?" She asks.

"This is probably going to sound insane.. but I have a feeling you're used to that." You grin. "I woke up in Brooklyn back in the 40's.. I didn't remember how I got there, but I found a home, fell in love. Thought I had gotten a second chance at life. Until I found out, I can't die.." you explain.. "But I was in love, and I thought why not just risk it.. but that wasn't in the cards for me.. he.." you trail off, as you feel the tears swell up. Natasha grabs you hand looking at you softly. "He died.. and I spent years trying to open myself up, but instead I ran away.. I fell in love again.. but I ruined it. Because I was so scared to get my heart broken again..I just kept running." You whimper quietly.

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