As soon as he walks out, you smile kindly walking towards him. As you reach into your bag, taking out a crumbled paper bag with a single scone in it.

"Did you lick it?" He questions, before hesitantly grabbing it.

"You tell me"

Stephen hesitates before taking a bite.

"You didn't"

"Didn't I?" You raise your eyebrow as you smile at him.

"You're an Idiot"

"I know" you grin. "But I did" you whisper.

You're sitting by a small water fountain, eating some takeaway street food. As you watch the stars reflecting down upon the water. You're laughing hysterically as he struggles to eat the food, with chopsticks.

"I'll teach you" you say as you show him exactly how to position his fingers.

"I'll manage" he says confidently.

"It doesn't look like it" you tease. "I thought you were good with your hands"

"Oh wouldn't you like to know" he smirks, as he fails miserably once again, dropping the food onto his lap.

"Perhaps I would" you say quietly. As you look over at him. For the first time Stephen strange is completely utterly at loss for words. You can't help but laugh. "Wow so you do know how to keep your mouth shut"

"Are you serious?" He asks softly.

"It was a joke Stephen, relax okay" you say to loosen the mood. You don't like him when he's quiet. It's weird. You've been trying for months to get him to shut up.

"I knew that"

"You're disappointed" you tease as you push him with your shoulder.

"No I'm just relived" he scoffs, continuing to eat his food.

"Sure you were" you say sarcastically.

"I was" he assures you.

You nod your head mockingly. He shakes his head as he gets up, you grab his hand pulling yourself up. As you stumble standing right before him. You watch him glancing down at your lips before looking into your eyes. You lean closer to his face, standing in your toes as your lips grace over his. "You weren't" you whisper. You're just about to sit back down when he pulls you closer kissing you passionately, his head grabbing a fist full of your hair. Your tongues syncing up perfectly.

He slowly pulls always looking down at you. "Im sorry I.. I" he trails off.

"Shut up Stephen" you whisper as you kiss him again. Wrapping your hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. His hands trail along the side of your body.

"I didn't expect that" he sighs as he pulls away once again.

"Huh... me neither" you chuckle nervously.

"I thought ehm.." he stammers. "I thought we didn't want this thing to happen"

"Me too"

"I mean im not really a relationship kind of person" he admits sadly.

"I'm not either" you exclaim as you let your hands fall, stepping away slowly.

"Alright perhaps we should just.." he trails off, his eyes still lingering in yours.

"Do it again?" You ask. He simply nods his head as he once again kisses you. This time more passionate than ever. There's not love in the kiss, it's pure lust and desire for one another. And to be honest it's exactly what you needed. As soon as love steps in things gets complicated. This was simply to people needing to the affection, without the horrible after math.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now