- announcement-thingy -

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Hello to everyone who reads this. It has been a while, I know. But: I am still alive and doing well.

First of all: How did this thing reach over 22000 reads?! That's so many people, I am so overwhelmed every time I see this number. Thank you to everyone <3

I plan to start writing again in the next weeks so you may get another chapter soon.
I will also go over the already existing chapters, maybe editing my writing style a bit and so on. I have some ideas in mind for also adding songs to some chapters to set the mood, but at the moment this is just an idea.

In the last few weeks I felt a bit self-conscious about my english, as I am not a native speaker. So, feel free to message me if there a mistakes or things that could be worded better, I am happy for any help or criticism that I recieve.

Lots of love

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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