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Tori-"14 years ago 5 girls went to Miami for a bachelorett party for someone's wedding, but things didn't go to well. One of the girls killed a guy, they did drugs, they got drunk, they even hired a stripper. The stripper was the one that got killed for the record it was an accident okay it wasn't on purpose. One of the girls got married, 2 of the girls are dating I think they still are, ones a teacher and the other girl well, I dont know she's probly writing music or being a clown for parties. Oh yeah the one that's married is jess, 2 dating are francie and Blair,the teacher Alice and the other Pipa/kiwi. Jess is my mom and her and my dad peter had a divorce that I never knew about also Hi I'm Tori
Jess-"who are you talking to?"
Tori-"no one just myself"

Jess walks off confused

Tori-"my dad is only allowed to see me every two weeks I don't know why but that's what the deal was. Which I'm okay with it I mean i didn't really enjoy hanging out with my dad because he was boring thanks to my wonderful auntie Blair she has amazing lawyers.
My life isn't great I get bullied a lot, get beaten up everyday but I lied to my mom saying that I fell or that I ball hit me in the face in P.E. okay enough of my story so I killed a guy on accident I didn't mean too, oh also me and my mom and her friends were in South Wales when this happened a place called Barry Island and then porthcawl (Don't ask) I picked up the accent really well so I sound very differently to American people my mom doesn't mind it they quite likes it. Anyway enjoy the story that I'm ablut to say. Bye!. I'm also adopted.

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