Chapter 20

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Y/N's pov.

I woke up and saw my parents and Jimin sitting on my side. Soon the doctor came with the report but what he said made everyone shocked

Doctor:" congratulations Mrs and Mr. Choi, your daughter is 2 months pregnant 😄"

As soon as he said that I was pregnant jimin's eyes became teary

Jimin:" I am going to be a dad? Really!! 😳"

He said and came towards me and touched my stomach and started caressing

Jimin:" jelly bear, this is the dad!☺️ Thank you for coming to us"

He said and was crying out of joy meanwhile my parents were steaf and I was scared if they reject it. Dad blinked multiple times and went towards Jimin and made him standup
Dad:" Jimin, is it true?"

He said and Jimin nodded with a nervous expression but dad breath in and hugged him tightly making Jimin hard to breathe

Dad:" excellent Jimin! I am happy that we are going to be grandparents!"

Dad said and mom smiled at him and hugged him

Mom:" now as Y/N's pregnant, I think now I am expecting wedding news"

She said and Jimin looked back at me and nodded with a warm smile. He changed. The person who used to bully me, who used to hate me, who was lonely and forgot the meaning of love and success has got me as his loved once and now we are together finally making a family of our own. A happy tear rolled down my cheeks and decided to call Soobin and inform him of the happy new

[ Soobin was discharged from the military-5years ago and got married to his long-termed girlfriend and settled down in Los Angeles with his own family]

(+(+(( *Ring * *Ring* *Ring*))+)+)

Soobin:" hello?"

Y/N:" Oppa! It's me y/N😄"

Soobin:" omg! How are you and how is my brother-in-law jimin😄😄😚?"

Y/N:" everyone is good, and... there's happy news 😊"

Soobin:".....what is it🙄?"

Y/N:" you are going to get a nephew!"😄😁

I said and Oppa started screaming out of joy and my sister in law also congratulated

Soobin:" y/N! I am coming to Korea next month! I can't wait!!!!!😚"

He said and hang up the call. Time flew by and my wedding day arrived. I was nervous, it's not like I didn't want or don't trust it, it's just.........I want it but I was nervous if I could able to be a good wife and a mother. Jimin and I decided to go to buy a wedding dress as well as to visit the wedding hall tomorrow


JIMIN'S pov.

We went to the wedding dress hall and told Y/N to first pick up her dress. I was getting impatient to see her in a wedding dress. Soon the curtain pulled off and Y/N came out making my mouth drop

 Soon the curtain pulled off and Y/N came out making my mouth drop

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