"Dad, Mr. Chen is very busy with his day-to-day work, I've already thanked him, it's enough that we've got our hearts in it."

"That won't do, it's such a big favour, Dad has to thank him personally. Pup, don't worry about this, dad knows what to do."

Xia Qing Shu thought to himself, Xia Lao Er is such a wimp, he would not dare to go directly to Chen Zhi Yu, and Chen Zhi Yu is not that easy to approach. So, he left him alone and let him go on his own.

Xia Qing Shu did not expect that Xia Lao Er would do what he had decided to do.

Xia Lao Er is not very knowledgeable and has a single way of repaying his kindness: by inviting people to dinner. He couldn't get a date with Chen Zhiyu and made three dishes and a soup to send to Chen's group on time every day.

He braved the hot summer heat to deliver the meal, squatting in front of the company afterwards, and had to personally watch Chen Zhiyu eat it.

However, each time he waited until the end of the day and watched the security guards throw the food away.

After delivering the food for several days in a row, and the food was poured out. Xia Lao Er was so distressed that he approached a nephew to ask about it.

The nephew, Xia Dong, was starting his own business and had opened a coffee and dessert shop called Xia.

"Second uncle, nowadays young bosses like to drink coffee, eat western food and so on, they don't like to eat three dishes and one soup." Xia Dong said, "How about this, you leave it to me, I'll take care of it for you, and you take care of your nephew's business as well."

Xia Lao Er didn't know why the young men liked that bitter black water, but there was nothing he could do, he had worked hard for days without success, it was okay to let Xia Dong try, "Xiao Dong, we have to thank people, leave a note to indicate this when you send something."

Xia Dong: "Second Uncle, no problem, we're good at this, you can rest assured, I'll put your first name on it."

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Xia Lao Er thought for a moment, "Don't write my name, write Qing Shu's."

The office of the President of the Group.

Chen Zhiyu was facing the huge floor-to-ceiling window, standing with his hands folded. He had just finished a board meeting and there had been some problems, and now he was very upset that his staff were doing things gingerly and checking a job over and over again for fear of pissing him off.

The head janitor came up with a box filled with a number of items, items neatly wrapped, all gifts from fans to Chen Zhiyu.

Chen Zhiyu is young and handsome, and the richest man in China; not only does he have a dedicated fan club, but there are also station girls squatting at the company to take photos.

There is a giant billboard of Chen Zhiyu at the entrance of the company and a special fan reception room at the side door, where fans often come over to give gifts.

Door supervisor: "Secretary Li, I'll put these gifts in the storage room."

"Check them for dangerous goods and send them into the office for the president to look over." Secretary Li glanced at the box.

President Chen was in a bad mood today, maybe seeing the fan gifts would make him feel better, their whole logistics department didn't want to stay up late with them anymore.

"Huh, why is there food?" Secretary Li saw a beautifully wrapped red box with some water droplets on it, emitting an enticing aroma.

"Bring out the food." The head janitor said, and reached for it. They couldn't put food in storage, it would stink and get moldy if when went bad, and it would attract flies and mosquitoes and rats.

After Running Away With a Cub, I Became Everyone's FavouriteWhere stories live. Discover now