Chapter 2

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Despite my energy, I jumped high and squealed happily. I was waiting for this day to come for ages, and it finally came. I couldn't wait for school, and talked to Lia. She was my best friend in Winster Middle School, and we both were excited for LWC. Slowly, my eyes narrowed towards the letters. The first letter had a stamp of LWC, and surprisingly the second as well. Feeling puzzled about it, I summed it up to be some information or packing list or something.

LWC, also known as London writing camp, which was a summer camp for writers who want to learn more and adapt. Writing was something I was really passionate about, and loved it. I had always wanted to go to LWC, but I didn't make the cut, until this summer. I daydreamed about it for a few minutes, until suddenly I was interrupted by Percy suddenly crashing down the stairs, rocking his head left to right with earplugs.

I guess he was listening to rock songs again. His attention soon drew us, and he reached his ear to take out his plugs. "What's going on here?" he asked, rudely. "Honey, don't be rude, your sister just got in writing camp" Mom exclaimed, expecting Percy to be all happy for me. I don't know what made her think Percy would be happy for anyone but himself, especially me. "Okay? Congrats Winifred!" he said in a voice that sounded to say that's dumb. "We have a surprise for you as well!" Dad said, holding another letter in his hand. Ah, Percy got in a camp too? I hoped he'd gone to some camp far away from London. My hopes went down quickly, turning into a huge frown as Mum opened the letter. She was opening the second letter, and stamped my LWC too, meaning.. Oh no!

"We tried entering you in music camp, as you wanted, but I'm afraid that a new rule started, allowing only 50 campers, and not 75. We were too late to fill the form. But wait for it, we got you a place in LWC too, meaning you and your sister can be in the same camp, we tried asking to put you both in the same cabin too, but they said they had a system about that. But, congrats Percy!" Mom explained, quite excited and hoping for a good expression from him, even though it was not expected.

He immediately had an outburst, as I thought he would. "What, writing camp? I don't even write, what am I supposed to do there? And you've tagged me along with Fred too, great! All my friends are going to a music camp in Salisbury" he exclaimed, clearly angry.

"Now, now, Percy, we're sorry, but we didn't know, you'll get to spend time with your sister for three months" Dad said, trying to control him like a toddler making a tantrum.

Yes, spending more time with Percy, all I wanted for summer! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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