Start from the beginning

I couldn't bear the pain any longer. I assumed that my whole life was over.
I decided that it was better to take a long break away from social media to safeguard my mental health.

I was overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow. I tried to stop thinking about Aisha and what she might have been going through but I just couldn't.

My parents gave me the silent treatment; the worst kind of treatment. They wouldn't even do the least thing by letting me know about Aisha's well-being and her father's opinion on everything. They treated me as though I was an alien. Ostracized me was constantly lost in thoughts and was deprived of rest.

For some days, I couldn't talk to anyone at school. They all pointed accusing fingers at me and whispered gossips to themselves each time I walked by. Remi gave me the cold shoulder but I often caught him staring at me. He would suddenly look away whenever I turned to him. That feeling when someone stares at you and you just know that someone is looking at you.

At some point, I only smiled and shook my head; he was so bad at holding grudges.

I walked into the school's compound facing the ground and holding on to one strap of my bag. (。。)
As I entered, all eyes were fixed on me.

I had the intentions of heading straight to my class and reading a novel or making pencil illustrations when a student said, “Temi, Mr Isaac needs you in the teachers’ office right now.”


I changed directions to the teachers’ office and the inquisitive eyes followed with lots of kibitzing.
I went to Mr Isaac and immediately, five other teachers gathered around. With a muddled expression, I scanned their faces and Mr Isaac said, “Good morning, Temi. I hope you had a great night.”

“Yes,” tentatively, I replied.

“So what's going on? Why isn't Aisha in school?”

“I don't know.”

“What do you mean by you don't know? Aren't you guys close friends?” Another teacher meddled.

“I don't know anything.”

Mr Isaac sighed and gave them a sign to leave. They ignored him. He sensed that I wouldn't disclose anything to him with those teachers being so meddlesome.

I was cautious enough not to spill anything on an account of them taking the very information coming from the words of my mouth and posting it online. Some of those people simply wanted to get involved in the hottest trending topic and talk about it.

On the spur of the moment, another student walked in and asked that I see the principal in his office.
I sighed and walked off to the principal's office. There, I met few members of the school board.

They started of by inquiring about all that happened between I and Aisha then they asked of her whereabouts saying that her parents had refused to answer phone calls from anyone.

I gave them answers within my knowledge. Afterwards, they counselled me on certain things. It got me in tears. You know how an adult's admonition can be. (¬_¬)

When I got dismissed, I wiped the tears off of my eyes and grasped the strap of my bag so tightly as I sluggishly walked off in sorrow. Wish it could have been Remi's arm. ╰⁔╯

I went straight to the bathroom. I flung my bag in the floor, held on to the washbasin and looked into my sore eyes in the mirror.
Forthwith, someone flung the door open. Damn! I forgot to lock the door.
It was Remi. He stood there with eyes of sympathy. “Did someone order a warm hug?”

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