"F-a-ther" she managed to stutter out as a lone tear slipped from her eye

Alexi glared at his daughter "Madame tells me you have been holding back on your ballet. Says you are failing and that there's no sense keeping you there if you don't follow the rules." he exclaimed "Natalia, why do you always fail me?" he questioned

"I'm sorry...I'll do better." she said trying not to stutter like she had so many times before

"Damn right you won't. Because if you do this will happen." Alexi walked behind Natasha and grabbed her head dunking it into the water.

Natasha struggled to gasp for air as her lungs felt like they were closing up. She could feel the water entering her lungs and her eyelids getting heavy. Before she could succumb to darkness Alexi pulls her head out of the water with a devilish grin on his face.

"Natasha." Steve called ripping her from her horrid memory

Natasha blinked a couple of times as if coming back to reality "I, uh" Natasha closed her eyes as she shook her head slightly "never mind." she breathed "I'm gonna fix us lunch. Sound good?" Steve nodded

Steve watched the blonde as she swam over to the steps and walked out of the pool before she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her. As she disappeared into the house Steve sighed before he swam to the stair and stepped out of the pool following her inside.

Natasha turned at the sound of foot steps and was greeted by Steve who was casually drying his hair with his beach towel.

"Um, there's ham and cheese. So I figured we could just make a sandwich unless you want something else." she said "We should really go shopping." she added with a light chuckle as she looked in the fridge again

Steve nodded "a sandwich sound good."

With them both in agreement the pair took out the bread, ham and cheese beginning to make their sandwiches.

Steve started to worry about the blonde as they sat down to eat. He noticed how she only made herself a half of a sandwich and how she hadn't really ate much since they got there. Natasha had yet to finish the salad left over from last night and the salad she barley ate on the plane couldn't of kept her full.

"Natasha, I think you need to eat a little more." he commented gently as he looked at her with his face full of concern

"I'm not that hungry." she murmured before she took a bite of her sandwich 

Steve sighed as he sat his sandwich down on his plate and focused his full attention on the blonde beside him. "What's going on?" he asked gently as he placed a comforting hand on her arm and gave her a look that says he could be trusted

Natasha diverted her gaze and looked at her hands "nothing." she replied lowly as she looked back up at him "I'm just not hungry." she replied before she got up from her seat and took her plate throwing it in the sink

Steve sighed as he crossed his arms over the counter and placed his head on top of them.


Steve didn't hear much from Natasha for the rest of the day. She was busy in their room on the phone with who knows who and Steve was currently on the phone with his mother trying to find out a way to get Natasha to eat.

"Steve, I don't know what to tell you." Sarah said on the other end of the line

"Mom, if she doesn't eat soon I'm worried that she might pass out or something." he exclaimed

Sarah sighed, she could understand her son's worry and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried as well.

Meanwhile, Natasha had just got off the phone with Clint who was worried that his little sister wasn't eating enough. After a long speech about why she should eat at least two meals a day Natasha had finnaly agreed and told him that she would keep herself healthy while she was away.

Going down to the kitchen Natasha walked over to the fridge and poured herself a glass of milk then she walked over to the cabinet and took out a small pack of Oreo cookies to eat.

"Glad to see your eating." Steve said from behind her causing the blonde to jump in surprise

Unlike most times Natasha hadn't heard his footsteps coming up behind her and when she turned around she saw Steve. His arms crossed over his chest as he leaned one shoulder against the doorframe and gave her an approving look.

Steve walked into the kitchen and walked up to Natasha standing next to her. Steve looked down at the small thing of cookies Natasha had and took one from it with a smirk lacing his lips.

"Want to talk about why you haven't been eating?" He questioned with a cocked eyebrow as he leaned against the counter top with his arms crossed over his chest

Natasha let out a long breath as she focused her full attention on the blonde "I, uh, I used to have an eating disorder. It took me a while to get through it. I thought it was over but I guess it's coming back." she sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose between her index finger and thumb "Clint's been trying to help but he can only do so much." she added lowly

Steve stood there in thought for a moment before he spoke "I can help you." he said

Natasha shook her head "Steve-"

"No, I want to help." he interrupted

"Are you sure?" she asked and he nodded as he gave her a reassuring look

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