Chapter 1

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" No. "

Jayce's voice whines out in protest at Caitlyn's blunt refusal. The two friends were hanging out in Caitlyn's apartment, gorging themselves on chinese takeaway and sharing a bottle of wine ; courtesy of Jayce. He thought it was a pretty good attempt at trying to convince Caitlyn. " Come on, Cait! live a little. "

She sighs. Jayce was Caitlyn's best friend... her only friend if she really thought about it and he's been trying to persuade her into coming to one of his street races for the past hour, or more- What glass were they on ? " Mhm, I'd hardly call watching you and Viktor hopelessly flirt with each other 'living a little.' "

Caitlyn laughed when she caught the sight of her best friend choke on his wine. His already rose-kissed cheeks burning ever so brighter from embarrassment.

" Okok listen. " Jayce coughed, leaning over to pluck the glass from Caitlyn's fingers earning a sound of displeasure from the woman. He proceeds to hold it away from her reach. " What if! I told you, Caitlyn Kiramman could hopelessly flirt with a woman at the race."

" What are you talking about? " She said, with a mirthful shake of her head.

" I'm serious! she's this new hot Racer in town and totally your type. This Saturday I'm so gonna challange her to race with me. That's why you should come! "

" I'm not like you, Jayce. I can't simply go out and chat someone I haven't even met u-"

Jayce interrupted. "And you wonder why you haven't had a girlfriend." The dirty look he was given was enough to silence him forever, but providing that he was drunk, it only gave him the giggles.

"Zip it. How do you know if she will even show up? " Caitlyn asked, a curious brow shot up. Annoyed none at her best friend jab.

" Oh, she'll show." Jayce told her with the utmost confidence, whipping out his phone and beginning to type something out. To whom or what, Caitlyn didn't know.

" You're ridiculous. "

Jayce only hummed, completely zoned out to what she was saying. Caitlyn rolled her eyes playfully, taking this chance to retrieve her glass from him. The contents inside sloshed around, grazing against the edge of the round translucent dome like gentle waves.

Street Racing, not only is it highly dangerous but it was also illegal. When Jayce first came to her, and shared his secret about him being a Street Racer she was worried. Less about the fact it was illegal, and more so about him concidering how prone accidents can happen. The thought of a car colliding with Jayce's was enough to keep her up at night in fear of her best friends life. Yet, despite it all, and Caitlyn being a former officer of the law, she accepted it, accepted him.

Now! he was trying to convince her to come watch him race! the crazy knucklehead.

" Aha! " Jayce's voice boomed out. Not a second later a phone was shoved in her face, the screen glaring back at her. " Look! I told you."

" Yeah, how do you expect me to look when you're holding it so close to my face! " Jayce laughed before dropping it into Caitlyn's hands. Much better, she thought, bringing the phone up to a reasonable distance from her face. So Jayce was messaging someone, the name Viktor highlighting the top of the screen. Of course. " What is this ? "

" Just read! "

" Ok ok! " Caitlyn silently did was she was told. It appeared Jayce and Viktor had been talking about the apperance of the mysterious woman Jayce told her about, with Viktor explaineing how probable it was the woman will most definitely be there at Saturday's race. When Caitlyn looked up, Jayce was all teeth and eyebrows. She stared back at him, void of expression. " This means nothing."

Jayce howls. " Caiiiiiiiiit. " then , he puts on the most childish pout causing Caitlyn to snicker behind the phone.

" Alright , you win. " Caitlyn threw her hands up in surrender.

" You mean it!?! "

" I suppose so, otherwise you will never give me peace. " Caitlyn sighed tiredly. It was getting late, and knowing Jayce he would've stopped at nothing to get Caitlyn to agree. She could be stubborn, but he was on another level of stubborn.

Jayce whooped, throwing his fist in the air. " You got that right! Alright, I gotta go. I'll send over some details tomorrow." He stands up, collecting his things and finishing the rest of his wine before heading for the door. She follows, watching as her friend steps into the corridor and advancing to the elevator, whisper shouting back at her. "You won't regret this, Cait!"

Yet, something tells her she already has.

A Rush In Runeterra ( Arcane/LoL: CaitVi AU ) Where stories live. Discover now