Chapter Seventeen

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Dude this is fucking crazy. Thank you guys so much! I was surprised when this story even got up to 1,000 reads! Again, thank you. I never thought you guys would like my writing so much. Without further ado, chapter seventeen :)


A yawn escaped my mouth. The four of us were still laying on the couch. My nose didn't feel stuffed anymore, so I carefully snuck out of the pile, trying not to wake any of the others. I clapped softly for myself after I finished my task. Now what..

I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat. I'm bored, but I dont want to wake anyone up. So, started to look around. There was a desk in the corner that had blank paper and a few boxes of crayons laying on it. I picked up a box of softer colors and a few peices of blank paper, then layed down on the floor and started to draw.

My hand glided a black crayon across the page as if it was being puppeteered by thin little strings. The drawing started to take its shape. It didn't look good but that's okay. It doesn't have to. I took a few colored crayons out of the box. Red, grey, green, blue, yellow..

"What're you drawing there kiddo?"

I glanced up to the keeper of that oh-so-familiar voice. Alone towered over me, his soft gaze leading to the paper. I scooted it over so that he could look at it better. He slid down next to me and studdied the paper.

"Awh, are you drawing all of us?"

I nodded my head, sliding a paper over to him. Alone smiled and picked up the black crayon. He drew many short and quick lines instead of just a big one, leading to a cleaner looking figure than mine. It looks really good.

I turned my attention back to my own little work of art and continued coloring the shapes in. I really like drawing, but only when I know what picture im trying to paint.

Finishing my drawing, I held it up to take a better look. Alone looked up to my drawing, and for a moment I could swear I saw his eyes sparkle. I handed it to him, and he stared at it before standing up and carrying it into the other room. I followed, curious as to what was happeneing. He went up to the fridge and took a magnet off the side, which he used to hang my drawing.

"There we go, right where it should be." He smiled.

I blushed slightly in embarassment. My drawing really isn't that good, not even close to 'hang on the fridge' material. If I knew he was going to hang it up I would've worked harder.

"It's perfect, isn't is?" He commented. "We have to show this to Selozar and Uleanra when they wake up."

"Dad!" I whined. "It's not even that good!"

Alone froze. I couldn't see his face, but his whole body tensed up, looking stiff as a lank of wood. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Do.." He started. "Do you mean that?"

"My drawing really isn't very good." I replied.

"No, the other thing." He whispered. "Do you really see me that way?"

I thought for a moment, trying to remember what I had said to him beforehand. Then it clicked in my head as I froze up along with him. Dad.

"I'm so sorry I don't know why that slipped out.."

As I watched Alone's stiff form, he seemed to loosen up a bit. the stiffness subsided, leaving soft shaking in its place. It was much more visble as he lifted his hand, his fingers twitching a bit. When he turned to face me, his eyes looked damp and he was smiling. He got down onto one knee and held out his arms. He didn't say anything, he didn't have to. I jumped into his arms, feeling his body slowly stop shaking as he held me against him.

This person holding me right now, this isn't just 'my caretaker '. He isn't just 'Alone'. This person is someone so much more important than that. This person is my Dad.

AloneTraveler x Fem! Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now