Chapter 2

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Tom's POV:

" this plan of yours is ridiculous" I tell y/n, ever since she's brought me back she's gotten more brave.

" you know, you haven't been very encouraging since we arrived here" she says to me.

" I saved you" she says in a weak voice like she thinks I'm not aware of that.

" anyone with a good heart like yours could have saved me y/n, it was with a time turner. It doesn't make you physically strong enough for these perilous plans of yours"

She looks at me in the eye, a hurt expression forming on her face even though it's true.

" try not to die while I'm gone"

" and where do you think you're going?" I say blocking the door so she can't get past.

" I told you, I'm going to go to the Gryffindor common room, sneak into the boys dormitories, find Harry and speak to him"

I roll my eyes, " prefects?"

" I'm sure they won't be as challenging as you were" she says with an eyebrow raise.

" I was doing my job correctly. That's all" I respond with.

" by threatening to slam my head against the wall?" She recalls.

I frown and she notices her comment has irked me. The faint memory disturbs me as I remember it vividly - I couldn't shake her out of my head, I thought she was too stunning to be real.

You might find that moment sweet, you may think I should recall it as a special memory, the start of me falling for y/n y/l/n. But I don't, I recall it as the day I became weaker.

" besides, Fred and George have snuck out of curfew millions of times before, I've practically memorised who's on duty and where"

So far since I've been present here, and that's less than 24 hours, y/n has brought up names of people she's close with here. All I've noticed is that every name is a male's.

" and they'll let you get past? Just like that?" I say doubting her but she seems sure.

" okay let's go" I then say.

" what?"

" are you deaf? I said let's go"

" no, you're suppose to be staying here" she says.

" as if I'm leaving you by yourself, move" I command.

" Tom-"

" y/n, you can't possibly think that no one is going to see me here? Did you plan on keeping me in your dorm like your pet?"

" kind of, yeah!" She exclaims.

" all I'm doing is talking to Harry, then coming straight back here, that can't go wrong" she says evee so simply.

" and what if Dumbledore catches you on your way?"

" I doubt he would cause me any harm, in the middle of Hogwarts hall! With everything he caused back at - well your time line, he'd be much more smarter and sneaky about it"

I huff and push myself off the door before I change my mind and guard it again. I don't speak another word, I just pour myself another mug of black coffee, y/n is also apparently friends with the kitchen elves and managed to grab us a whole pots worth.

I'm nearly half way down the cup when I realise she's still standing there, looking back at me like she wants me to say something.

But I don't.

And when she leaves, there's an attitude in the way she closes in the door, it's not a hard slam but her hand tightly grasped on the door handle that her fingers turn red. A look I've never seen in her eyes before, fury?


Y/n's POV:

It's dark when I stroll around the castle but it's not overly late, so I'm assuming it's still winter. I never counted how long I was away for, I should have because I currently am guessing what month and day we're in.

I'm excited when I see Hermione standing there with the frizziest of hair and angriest of eyes, arms crossed, tapping of her foot.

I'm not surprised when I see Fred and George hovering around her, mischievous smiles splattered on their faces, they're definitely tormenting Hermione into letting them get to somewhere.

I grin at the sight of them and instantly pick up my walking pace, wanting to give all 3 of them a huge hug.

I slow down when I see another shadow walk towards them, they turn around and block who it is but they're all smiling, even Hermione, chatting like it's a dearest friend.

It's me...

I freeze.

I'm laughing with the twins, I say something that makes Fred clutch his stomach and makes George blush, Hermione rolls her eyes but I see her smile afterwards.

I walk closer, I want them all to notice me.

Yet it's a last minute consideration when I abruptly run back, I quickly sprint around the corner and hide in case they come looking for me but they don't. I hear their voices from the distant.

Hermione: " what was that?"

Fred & George: " what?"

Hermione: " I heard heavy footsteps, like someone was running"

George: " they probably saw you and decided-"

Fred: " -decided that they don't want to deal with you" 

I'm left to taking the long way back to the Gryffindor common room, I try not to make my shoes click and clack but I must be there before they all arrive.

I'm glad the Gryffindors aren't as difficult as the Slytherins, I'm relived when they kept the password the same.

" Harry" I say out loud, not whispering.

Yet I still have to shake his shoulder awake.

Harry inhales sharply while he bursts up and awake like a corpse coming back to life.

" Jesus y/n?! What the hell was that?! What is this?!" He says panting, he grabs his glasses off his night stand.

" I truly am sorry for what I'm about to say" I warn him.

His face is desperate for answers but he nonetheless looks surprised.

" Harry... Are Lily and James alive?" I ask.

" what?!"

" whatever it is you're trying to say, get to the point, I'm tired" he says like he's fed up.

" this is important! Harry, you're the only person who can help me" I beg.

He sits up straighter, the anguished expression on my face must make him know this is serious.

A Pile Of Passion ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα