Our Little Avenger

Start from the beginning

"Wait so you mean to tell me that hydra as went so low as trying to create werewolves and people with wings" y/n ask Tony slightly amused that hydra was running out of ways to make soldiers.

"Yea, they left to rescue the animals, and so Natasha could get information from them. And to free any person in there, hopefully, there are non" Tony says taking a seat.

"So many had to go because our intel tells us that the base is bigger than the usual bases we attack and there are more guards"

"But why would they do that to poor creatures"

"Probably for the same reason they held me captive in a cell, caused me to lose my hearing, freedom, and any chance I had at making my own decisions, " y/n said answering Loki's question

"Sorry for asking," Loki says slightly worried about another outburst

"Don't be I can't wait till they're gone" she says as she begins to think of the people she had met in hydra.

"Well maybe not all of them"

"What do you mean," Tony asked intrigued

"There were people I meet in hydra that became my family, but when two of them died. He was the last one, someone I used to work with there, we were partners. He was one of the good things that happened to me in Hydra that didn't die. I just hope he is still alive."

"What was his name" tony asked

"I'm not sure I knew my name because I had a reminder with me, a neckless my mother gave me. But he didn't he was under hydra control way longer than I was. So I called him winter, and he called me storm. We weren't allowed to use our real names"

"Why storm"

"Because of my powers, I had the power to bring buildings down, and kill people with a blink of an eye with a storm. But only when I was under their control, or when I was out of control. I don't like using that much power the after-effects of it suck and it drains the life out of me."

"Like brainwashing"

"Yea, I don't want to ever be that person again," y/n says while playing with the hem of her shirt, Loki glancing from his book and watching her movements to make sure she is okay.

" well if it was brainwashing, it wouldn't be your fault because you had no control over yourself. At this point, I am no longer surprised like if someone says that people with wings are real I wouldn't be faced" looking up from his book Loki began to talk

"People with wings are real they live in Asgard, they call themselves Valkyrie, only women are allowed to be Valkyrie's, no matter how hard you try," Loki says slight heartbroken

"What's next are you going to tell me dragons are real" Loki opened his mouth to say something but Tony cut him off

"Ah don't say another word" Loki smirks and looks back down at his book. Causing  y/n to silently laugh to herself.

"I don't mean to pry, but how did you end up in hydra. Only if you're comfortable answering the question"

"My uncle, My mother died shortly after giving birth to me. My father told me it was because the birth was too much for her body to handle. Oddly enough I remember her, the sound of her voice, the color of her hair was pure white long curly hair but she looked young, When I was born she put a neckless on me. My mother told my father that I should never take it off and that somehow it will help me find my way home. After my father died he couldn't take care of me alone, so his brother my uncle told him that I could stay with him. I knew my father loved me, he just thought it was in my best interest at the moment for my uncle to take me. He knew nothing of hydra, but my uncle took me and never brought me back to him."

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