Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, a boy who is browsing through the store starts pocket one of the gags. However George picks up on it. "Pocket that and you'll pay in more than Galleons, my friend." George says

"We've got eyes in the back of our heads" Fred and George say with a grin

The boy, working a screaming yo-yo, looks petrified as Fred and George turn to reveal that they do in fact have eyes in the back of their heads. Y/N and Harry hold in their laughter as they look at the phony, but unnerving eyes. The eyes wink and the tiny boy bolts with a terrified look on his face.

"Bloody urchins." Fred says

Y/N and Harry both walk around the store when the raven-haired boy eyes a display of orange and black coloured lumps. Y/N joins him and looks at the label.

"Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder?" the Ravenclaw says curiously

"A real money spinner that." George suddenly says from behind them startling them both "Handy if you need to make a quick escape."

George then gently throws a piece to Harry who grabs it and Fred winks mischievously before walking back around the store. Y/N walks around the store and spots Flo, Ginny and Hermione all gathered around a pink and purple display.

Y/N smirks "I hope you weren't planning to use any on me" she says to Hermione and the Gryffindor girl rolls her eyes

"Like I would need it" Hermione replies with grin "you're already head over heals in love with me"

Y/N laughs "that I am Granger" and Hermione blushes as the Ravenclaw kisses her girlfriends cheek.

"Hello, ladies!" George says to the group of girls at the stand

"Yes, they do really work" Fred says and smirks at Ginny "Then again, the way we hear it sis, you're doing just fine on your own."

"Meaning?" Ginny says rolling her eyes at her brothers

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George says and Ginny blushes

"That's none of your business." Ginny says putting back the love potion and walking away

Flo laughs but eyes the love potion and Y/N smirks "thinking of buying some Flo"

"No" the Ravenclaw girl says too quickly causing Y/N to raise an eyebrow at her best friends reaction and Hermione giggles. "I'm not buying any Y/N stop being such a prick"

Y/N laughs "whatever you say Florence"

The Ravenclaw girl walks away from a grumbling Flo and follows her girlfriend. "These are adorable." Hermione says looking inside a small cage.

Y/N looks inside the cage and spots small round balls of fluff roll about and squeak excitedly.

"Aww they are so cute" Y/N replies "but what the hell are they"

"Pygmy Puffs, can't breed them fast enough" George says causing both Y/N and Hermione to visibly flinch

"Merlin's beard, will you stop sneaking up on us" Y/N grumbles but George just shrugs

"Where's the fun in that" he replies and Y/N frowns

Just then, a Gryffindor boy Y/N knows to be Cormac McLaggen passes behind herself and Hermione. The Ravenclaw notices that he's eyeing up Hermione, taking the full measure of her. Y/N glares at McLaggen and wraps an arm around Hermione's waist protectively, pulling her closer to the Ravenclaw girl. Hermione notices Y/N tense behaviour and glances to where her girlfriend is looking and spots the blonde Gryffindor boy eyeing her as he walks away.

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