Tatiana looked even more annoyed at his response. Rolling her eyes as she gave in
"We need proof of the priest being a traitor."

Again Tommy glanced over at Bella when the priest was mentioned. She seemed calm, but He could tell she was uneasy by the way she twisted his ring around her finger.
"Your proof is my word. If he's involved, I'm out. He needs to die."

Flicking her brows again "are you always so violent?"

Bella watched as he Exhaled more smoke "I killed a stag today. And it hurt me to do it, but it was treated with respect and it's spare meat will go to the poor....it will grieve me far less to put a bullet in the priest's face."

Bella eyed Tatiana as she walked closer to Tommy. Not saying anything wanting to see where this goes.

"It was my aunts idea that I came alone. She's in charge of this." Tatiana told Tommy, completely ignoring Bella's presence now

Going right up to him, running her hand down his face. Tommy stood straight then, grabbing her wrist pushing it away.

Tatiana spun around then, going over to the love seat in the room
"I will do anything for this deal. My aunt assumes you will want me as a part of the deal. Do I tell her that she was wrong?"

Tommy's face held no emotion. Of course he didn't want her. She was nothing compared to the Angel sitting behind his desk. He hated that Bella was watching this interaction and just as he was about to tell the duchess to leave..

"Tommy can I speak to you outside please?" Bella asked, standing up and making her way around the desk and past Tommy to the hallway

Of course, he followed, closing the door behind him.

"I'm sorry you had to listen to that, Bel-"

"I want you to spend the night with her."

As soon as she said that, Tommy eyes budged out of his head, and his eyebrows were as height as they could get.

"The fuck you just say?" He asked not believing those words just came out of her mouth.

Looking up at him, slowly nodding her head. "Tell her it was your idea, that you sent me and Charlie away for the night."

"Why?" He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to have sex with that woman. He loves Bella and refuses to be with anyone else.

Sensing his stress about this, she brought her hands up to the back of his neck, making sure he was paying attention.

"You heard her. She'd do anything for this deal. Have her stay the night, find out where they are keeping the jewels. Strictly business Tom."

Shaking his head and frowning at her "I don't want to. We can find another way."

"Don't have sex with her Tommy, that's not what I'm asking. Just find out the needed information and come meet me and the boys in the morning" sighing feeling bad about suggesting the idea, knowing Tommy would never ask her to do this.

Closing his eyes to think.
She was right, this could work. He could find out more about her family so they know they will get paid in the end. It would put them very far ahead in this deal.

One step closing to it being done. To having peace.

Opening his eyes to look into hers, making sure this is really what she wants to do.
"And you trust her?" He asked

Smiling softly and shaking her head "no. Not at all. But I trust you...just don't go too far okay?"

Letting out a deep breath, "don't want to go anywhere, peach." He said grabbing her waist and pulling her closer.

She knew his statement had a double meaning, referring to the closeness they were experiencing in the moment, but also what he didn't want to do with the duchess.

Giving him a quick kiss "I love you"

Humming in response "I love you too"

Sliding her hands down his shoulders "now go get this over with, and come to me in the morning."

Reluctantly pulling away "I'm already counting down the minutes"

Then the two went their separate ways to do what needs to be done.

Bella went to collect Charlie for the night, planning on staying in the Watery Lane house or with one of the brothers.

While Tommy watched her walk away before sighing again.

Finally opening the office, stepping inside to find the duchess still laying on the loveseat.

Tommy resumed his position against the bookshelf, already dreading the rest of the night.

"Where did she go?" Tatiana suggestively asked

Tommy gave her no emotion, "sent her away for the night."

Her smirk widen "I suppose I can tell my aunt she was correct."

Then the door open again to reveal John

"Tommy, you ain't gonna believe this man." He said as Tommy turned to look at him

"I just spoke to Billy, says the women have gone on strike, can you fuckin' believe tha-" but stopped short when he noticed the duchess in the room. Who at his entrance stood up, making her way towards the two.

"John." Tommy said getting his brother's attention back on him, as he breathed in his cigarette.

"Ya, Tom?" He said finally looking away from Tatiana

Tommy kept his focus right over her shoulder, out the window, hating the feeling he had as he was about to say this.

"There's a Bentley in the drive outside. I want you to go out and put a nail in its tire."

John looked confused at the request "why"

Still not looking away from the window. Thinking back to what Bella said.
"So I can't change me mind...-" ignoring the smirk he saw come onto her face
"Then I want you and the boys to all go home. Have Arthur take Bella and Charlie with him. Him and Linda could use the practice."

"Yo-you want Bella to go-" John stuttered not believing his brother

Exhaling the smoke "you heard me." Tommy interrupted him

John felt an anger inside of him that he would do this to Bella. After everything she's done for the family. After everything that's happened, he'd throw it away for this.
But still he followed orders.
"Right. It was nice to meet you." He spoke then stomped out of the room.

Fucking Tom. This is going to crush Bella. He thought, almost turning back around to go knock some sense into his brother.

But before he could he saw Bella in the living room waiting with Arthur. Charlie already on her hip and a bag by her feet.
Arthur looked confused and anger.

"Bella...Tom...he.-" John said pointing back to the office, Causing her to look up

She saw the look on his face, he was very distraught.

"It was my idea, John. It's okay." She tried to reassure him.

Arthur turns to his brother as well, throwing his arms out "fucking mad this one!"

Looking between the two, Bella spoke again "It will work. Women talk when their in vulnerable situations. When we get the information you'll both be thanking me! Arthur please get me bags and let's go, before I change me mind!"
Then turned with Charlie, leaving the house and with the brothers close behind.

They look at each other as Arthur bent down to pick up her bags for the night.

"She's too much like Tom." John said

Arthur nodded in agreement "yeah, she fuckin is."

Too Late To Say Goodbye | Tommy Shelby {1}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant