5 ~ stuck with me

Start from the beginning

Eddie suddenly looked hopeful. "You really think that'd work?"

"Of course. Everyone always has something to lose. I think you underestimate my abilities. I am the fly on the wall that picks up secrets, secrets people can't risk getting spread in a small town such as Hawkins. So yeah, you'll be a free man once all this bullshit is over."

"Yeah," he agreed. "Once it's all over."

"I mean the body showed no blunt force trauma, and though the fact that she was at your place isn't ideal, it doesn't mean you're guilty. I mean think of it. Me as your lawyer. 'Your honor, if Mr. Munson truly did somehow manage to kill Chrissy without leaving a finger on her, do you really think he'd be incompetent enough to leave her in his home? If I were to jump to conclusions, something that the town people of Hawkins have been doing all along, I'd say he was framed. It's awfully ideal, don't you think?'"

"Okay," Eddie breathed out. "I don't know about you, but I feel a lot better now."

"You should. You have nothing to worry about with me," Null cupped his hands in hers, giving them a reassuring squeeze.

"Let's say though, that for some reason, I do get proven guilty. I mean worse case scenario. Then what?" He tried to shift her attention away from him, specifically the way her hands on his stirred something in his that made his face turn red.

"Hmm. Well we could always fake your death, change your name with some forged documents, and flee the country." She suggested.

"Not exactly ideal," he commented.

"Better than federal prison," she replied smugly.

"Better than federal prison," he agreed.

"So," Null started, sitting up. "What's on the agenda for today?"

"I was thinking something along the lines of lay low, don't get arrested, and don't die?" Eddie offered.

"Yes, all good things. Not very good however, if we die from hunger."

"You know, now that you mention it," Eddie pondered, but jumping up, pulling Null with him. "After you." Before Null left the garage, she made her and Eddie both invisible, though he hadn't quite caught on to her yet. "Wait, shouldn't we be sneaking up to the house?" 

"Why sneak when we're invisible?" Null asked rhetorically.

"God I love you," Eddie replied. "Ya know, love that you can do that and stuff. It's really cool."

"Smooth, Munson. Real smooth."

"Shut up," he replied, making Null laugh. They both started looking through the cabinets for food, before realizing there really wasn't much. "Hope you like spaghettios."

"Is it the kind with meatballs?" She asked eagerly.

"It is," Eddie answers, prompting Null to give an excited whoop. Eddie raised his eyebrows. "Is there some kind of spaghettio infatuation I should know about?"

"Nope. My infatuation is with bagels, actually."

"Good to know," he turned quickly to start cooking them.

Null explored around the house, though there was nothing really remarkable about it. When she returned to the kitchen, Eddie was just finishing up. They ate in silence, and Null took the time of silence to look out on the lake and get lost in thought. When they finished, Eddie simply put their bowls in the sink, ready to go back to the garage.

"Wait a second, we should wash the dishes so it looks less suspicious," Null suggested.

Eddie groaned. "Can't you just hide them with your mind powers?"

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