Amo ut invenio

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Chapter Eighteen | Amo ut invenio

[I love as I find]

The weekend following the mission at the Lawrence Court Theatre is slow and lazy. Pulling an all-nighter has effectively mucked up their sleep schedules somewhat, for they spend the majority of Sunday afternoon catching up on sleep. Well, Vivian does, anyway, or at least she tries to. Sirius is annoyingly bright-eyed for having spent the night before dodging killing curses, and he is still annoyingly bright-eyed on Monday morning, which just so happens to be a work day. Conversely, Vivian is still groggy and exhausted, which is not exactly conducive to Sirius's current mood. This is mainly because when she is tired, she is impatient.

"Did you not hear me before when I told you I was going to be late?" Vivian dryly wonders when he corners her against the counter and attempts to swoop in to kiss her cheek.

She needs to leave in ten minutes and she isn't at all ready yet. She'd just barely managed to take a quick shower and dry her hair without burning it all to a crisp and she still hasn't eaten anything for breakfast. Sirius, despite having been awake long before her, apparently hadn't been paying attention to the time, for he hadn't thought to wake her up. The moral to the story is that her being late is all Sirius's fault, obviously.

"Yeah, I heard you," he replies breezily, hardly batting an eye when she pushes him away in favor of rummaging through the cabinet for an insulated mug that she means to fill with some tea. She doesn't have time to sit down for some before leaving and she's not about to subject herself to the tea at the break room because it's foul.

Sirius pulls his wand from his pocket and waves it idly towards the kettle, which promptly begins to heat up. Then, throwing Vivian a boyish smile, he muses, "You're in a terrible mood this morning, Viv."

Vivian shoots him a look. As she sets the mug down onto the counter and turns to their selection of tea, she mutters, "Your finely honed ability to notice such a thing is truly spectacular, Sirius."

He laughs at that, totally unfazed at her grumpy tone.

"Mm. It's a bit too early to deal with moody Slytherins, if you ask me," he returns, just as breezily as before.

"I didn't ask you. Now would you please go and get my work case? I think it's in the sitting room," Vivian mutters, throwing some tea into the mug and then turning to decide what her breakfast options are.

Sirius isn't very good at taking orders.

"You can grab it on your way out the door," he shrugs. "How about a bagel?"

She huffs at him but merely sighs, "Fine." Then, glancing at the clock, she grumbles, "Actually no, I don't think I have time. This is all your fault, you should've woken me up."

He just shrugs again and replies, "You needed your beauty sleep."

At this, Vivian pauses, sends him a narrowed look, and demands, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Sirius smirks and snickers, "Merlin, Vivian, you always think I'm insulting you. You need to relax – wait, don't forget your tea!"

She rolls her eyes at him and stops in the doorway of the kitchen. Sirius quickly pours the hot water into the mug, grapples with the top, and strides over to where she's standing. A quick smile later and he's swooping into deliver that kiss at long last, and though Vivian is still a bit annoyed at him for that 'beauty sleep' comment, she doesn't try to stop him this time.

"I need to go," she tells him when he draws her closer.

"Mmhmm," he hums against her mouth.

She stares at him for a moment before huffing and reaching up to thread her fingers into his hair and pull him back, kissing him properly. Then, with the clock counting down her remaining time, she sighs and says, "See you later?"

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