iii. Dead Girl

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Athena steps out into the hallway on her way to the kitchen to get some breakfast, stopping in the living room to find her mother and brother watching the news on the couch

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Athena steps out into the hallway on her way to the kitchen to get some breakfast, stopping in the living room to find her mother and brother watching the news on the couch. Athena's ears pick up on the news lady speaking on the television.

"We'll be here the rest of the day right
here on Channel Nine, where we'll
keep you posted on all the latest
developments. In the meantime, we
recommend you keep your doors and
windows locked tight. This is Beverly Miss, signing off for-"

"My heart can't take it anymore, it just
can't take it." As the doorbell rang, Mrs. Henderson whimpered, hugging her kitten close to her body. Dustin gets up from the couch and walks over to the door, where he is greeted by an uneasy and fearful Max.

Athena moved over to the door, peering over Dustin's shoulder to see the redhead standing there nervously, and her heart immediately fell into her stomach, thinking something was wrong. Dustin ushers Max inside and leads her to his room, leaving Athena following behind, her mind racing with a million thoughts. Max explains everything that happened the night before.

"Chrissy Cunningham? You're sure it
was Chrissy?" Dustin, who is pacing his room in disbelief, asks. Athena sits on his bed, staring blankly at her hands and shaking her head, as if she doesn't believe it. She can't lose anybody else; Chrissy is her best friend; she was there for her when things became bad and stayed by her side throughout the ordeal. She couldn't have lost her.

"Yes, she was in her cheerleader outfit, it was thing same thing she was
in when she was with Eddie."

"Did you tell all this to the cops?"

"No. No, but I... I can't be the only one
who saw them together, I mean they
stood out!"

"Eddie the Freak with Chrissy the

"No, no, no, it's not real, it's not true, it's not true, it's not true, it's not true, She can't be de- dead, Chri- Chrissy can't be dead." Dustin and Max exchange a concerned look as a tear slips down Athena's cheek. Athena couldn't believe it, Chrissy wasn't hanging out with Eddie Munson, it just didn't make sense.

"Look his name's not in the news
or anything, but I guarantee you
Eddie is suspect number one right
now." Max muttered quietly to Dustin, so Athena wouldn't hear her.

"That's crazy. Eddie didn't do this. No
way." Dustin looks at Max, as if she has two heads, and exclaims in disbelief. Athena glances up at them, tears in her eyes, attempting to calm herself so that her powers do not surface.

"No way!" He repeated, and Max was starting to get frustrated at him.

"Well we can't rule it out!"

"Yes we can!"


"You don't know him like I do Max,

While Dustin argued with Max, Athena looked at him with sadness; she didn't believe Eddie killed Chrissy. He seemed too sweet to do something like that to someone, and all she knew was that whoever did this to Chrissy, she was going to kill them.

"When we got to high school, Lucas
made all his sports friends. Mike and
me? I mean, no one was nice to us. No
one except Eddie."

That first day of high school, Eddie saved Dustin and Mike. They didn't know anyone there, and they were bullied, but when Eddie invited them to sit with them, they gladly accepted. Dustin liked Eddie because he was nice to them and cared for them in that school when no one else did except their sisters.

"Okay well, I mean, they said the same
shit about Ted Bundy. Yeah he's like a super nice guy but then he's
murdering women on the weekend."

"So you're saying that Eddie is like
Ted Bundy?"

"No, I'm not saying-- I'm saying that-
we can't presume anything, okay?!
But it doesn't look good for Eddie!"

Dustin sighed in defeat as he sat down next to Athena as Max finished after tripping over her words. She was correct in her conclusion. Eddie's situation didn't seem promising. Chrissy was last seen with him, and the next morning she was found dead in his trailer.

"Why haven't you told the cops this?" Dustin asks, looking up at Max, puzzled.

"I.... I don't know." Max stutters hesitantly, folding her arms across her chest, uneasy at the looks she was receiving from the two Henderson siblings.

"You don't know?" Dustin asks, cautiously raising his eyebrows at her. Athena stared at Max intently, attempting to peer into her head to see what she saw, but she couldn't, so she went with the safest choice and forced Max tell them what had happened with her powers.

Max took a deep breathe in and hesitantly made her way over to the bed, she sat down next to Dustin as Athena put her hand to her head feeling a little light headed from not used to using her powers.

"After I saw Eddie and Chrissy go in
the trailer... something else happened.
The TV started glitching, and then.. all
the lights in the house.. they flickered,
all at the same time. When they
stopped I could hear Eddie screaming.
He ran to his van and drove off.
Nothing that weird or anything, Eddie
always drives like a maniac and the
power goes off at my place all the
time, it's a piece of shit, but... this
morning, I started to think back and...
I dunno. The look on his face. He was
scared. Really scared. Maybe he was
scared because... y'know, he just killed
someone or... maybe, um..."

Athena hesitated as she looked over at Max. She began to consider how she had the feeling that something was about to happen, and how this could be linked to the death of her best friend.

"Something else killed her?" Dustin finished Max's train of thought, and they exchanged worried glances. Athena's face gradually paled as her heart plummeted to her stomach, and she turned her head forward, staring at the wall, imagining what was about to happen to them.

"But that's impossible.... right?" Max tried to reason, but they were all thinking the same thing.

"I dunno.. it should be. There's only
one person that actually knows what
happened." Dustin replied, and Athena gave them a slow nod as she looked at them both and spoke out.

"We have to find Eddie."

╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be better!

word count: 1091

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