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As of today, Jesicca Howard had not a single doubt in her mind that her mom hated her.

She tapped her Converse on the dull wood floors of the school office, the pulsating had echoed through the room. It had a quick, concise rhythm that only helped her ruminate on what had happened earlier. It was the beat to the song of mishap replaying in her head.

Her mom was setting her up to be married, 

it was happening today—tap tap tap.

She sunk into the chair she ever so anxiously waited in. Jessica hated that chair; it was a cold hard plastic with knobs that would tug on her hair. But today, on the very day the thing was going to happen, that same chair brought her comfort.

Its unworldly, frigid temperature welcomed Jessica in a crisp embrace, fogging her mind off the inevitable fact her mom would be arriving soon.

Tap tap tap.

"Miss—erm Jessica. Could you quiet down with the tapping, dear? You're making it hard for me to focus." It was Mrs. Trenton. 

Jessica had always been amazed at how irreconcilable her voice was from her personality, soft and timid with the heart of a bitch. Mrs. Trenton couldn't even bother to remember her name, no matter how many times she had been sent to the office.

The cold embrace of the plastic chair relinquished in place of a rising heat fuming in Jessica's body.

"I'm sorry but if you haven't noticed, I'm very nervous. If you'd much rather I scream my head off right now, I'll gladly do so."

"Jessica, dear, I didn't say you had to stop tapping. I heard about what was going on. I need to finish some paperwork, that's all."

I heard about what was going on. 

Jessica had practically hit boiling point. She heard about her situation so why wouldn't she help?

Tap tap tap tap tap.

Her tapping became incoherent. There was no rhythm, there was no beat, yet the song of lamenting continued to spin in her jukebox of a head. However, two songs were playing now. This new one was angry.

A tear ran down Jessica's eye. After all, only one song can play in a jukebox at a time.

She knew her mom would be here any moment. Here to sweep her away to a man she knew she wouldn't love.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap.

In a matter of minutes, the door to the office opened. 

Jessica Howard was screwed.

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