She has never performed a day without having that necklace somewhere on her, whether it was around her neck or tucked into a pocket. It was always somewhere on her body, she always had it on her. It was ridiculous really considering the man that gave it to her all those years ago couldn't even be bothered with her existence. She is honest with herself, he would probably prefer it if she didn't exist at all.

“Jennie-ah, you need to calm down okay? It must be somewhere here. We will help you look for it. You need calm down, we go on stage in 15 minutes and you can't be looking a mess out there alright? We will find it.” Jisoo said as Jennie start getting more upset the longer she went without it. Jennie looked at her and nodded, then took a deep breath trying to calm herself. ‘Jisoo Unnie is right. I am overreacting, I need to calm myself. I'm just too stressed but I can't let it get the better of me this time.’ her told myself. 

“Found it” Jennie hears a shout and looks up to see Lisa jumping up and down, while swinging the necklace in her hand, and she sighs in relief. Jisoo reaches out her hand to Lisa waiting for her to hand her the necklace. 

Lisa gave it to her and Jisoo came toward Jennie and clipped the chain around her neck. “There, back where it belongs.” Jisoo smiled, tucking the necklace into her top out of sight. Jennie sighed and let out a small smile of her own, “I'm sorry, I guess I'm just so nervous. I overreacted. She said and the girls all smiled before Chaeyoung spoke “it's okay Unnie, we're all nervous too, but let's all get our heads in the game and do our best yeah?” Jennie smiled at her and nodded before getting up. 

Outside the dressing room the girls walked towards the stage area. They could all hear a lot of chants and encouragement being shouted out as they passed. This gave Jennie the last bit of confidence that she needed. ‘Chaeyoung is right, we have to focus on our performances. This is not the time to let my emotions take control of me. This time we have to do it right for our fans.’ she straightened her spine as she took my mic from the staff and put it on. The girls bend their heads together and whisper their little prayer and their funky hand ritual before looking up at each other one last time before they walk on stage. 

The music ends and the girls file off the stage, excitement bubbling in the air. “Oh My God that was incredible, did you hear the fans!!!” Lisa says while she bounces off the stage. Jennie can't help but laugh at the bubbly girl, no matter how many times they perform she always has the same reaction. Honestly Lisa is the most sincere person Jennie has ever known. No matter what is happening she would always be seen with a smile on her face. She never lets the outside world get her down, and always looks at the bright side of everything, She really admires her for it. Sometimes she really wishes she could be more like her. Just not let all negativity get to her, not overthink things and focus on the positives in her life. 

Jennie speeds up her walking to try and catch up to her members. They are going to their dressing room to freshen up before they have to go out to the side stage to watch the rest of the award show. ‘What a night this has been’ she sighs happily, insecurities now pushed to the back of her mind. Jennie is very relieved that their performance went off without a hitch. She finished freshening up and is ready before the other girls, so she decided to go wait outside for a bit.

She loves to watch all the hustle and bustle of the backstage area. Honestly she find all this chaos integrueing, watching how so many people work together to ensure the show is a success. That's what many people don't understand, it's not just the artists that work hard to give their fans a great show, but everybody in the background that you don't see is working just as hard to support the idols and stars. 

Jennie walks a bit more getting lost in the motion of the thing happening around her. She should probably get out of the way or else she might find herself caught further in the madness that is currently happening. She walks towards a more secluded area planning to stay there and watch a bit longer. 

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