"Whoa... she's scarier than before!" Shippo says.

Miroku looks just as scared and sheepish as my face darkens and aura intensifies. "Eheheheh! I wasn't going to hurt your brother! My, aren't you an angel sent from heaven! I'm surprised such a beauty like you is travelling with Sesshomaru..." I tense as he slings an arm around my shoulders. I could feel Sesshomaru gazing intensely towards us. "Why don't you and I get away from the fighting and go somewhere privately? I really don't want to have to fight you."

I shiver with suppressed rage as I feel the monk stroking my behind with his hand. The intense feeling from Sesshomaru increases.

With lightning speed and a flushed face, I grab the monk's wrist and spin, pulling him with me. Upon finishing my spin, I throw Miroku back first into the ground. Everyone falls silent as they stare at us, shocked.

"Touch me like that again, Monk, and I'll sever both of your hands," I threaten while cracking my right fingers.

He twitches as he mutters, "So strong... and yet so beautiful..." Miroku pulls himself up and leans against a boulder.

"Miroku!" Shippo cries as he runs up to him.

"I'm fine. I just need to rest," Says Miroku.

"Shippo!" Kagome calls, causing us to turn around. She kneels as she drops her bag and bow. "How's he doing?"

"Not well. He's gotten worse," Shippo informs her, leaning on Miroku.

"Hang on," She says, rummaging in her bag. She pulls out a thin box and a jar. "I need you to take this medicine. Think you can sit up?"

"No. I'm too weak. Pass it through your mouth," He suggests, closing his eyes. "She's not really falling for that, is she?" I think with a deadpan expression.

There's a crack and hiss, then the sound of puckering lips. Miroku and I look to see Shippo leaning forwards and trying to make contact with his lips.

Miroku turns his head away as he says in disappointment, "I think I can manage on my own."

I let out a giggle as Kagome combs on the rock. I say to Shinobu, "Stay here, itotou."

"Right." He nods in understanding.

I join Kagome as she knocks an arrow, eyeing her curiously.

How is it she has the sacred arrow? She must be the reincarnation of the priestess Kikyo.

Inuyasha says, "I've figured you out, Sesshomaru. Because you're a demon, you shouldn't be able to grasp the Tetsusaiga. That left arm of yours must belong to a human." Sesshomaru raises the Tetsusaiga. "You're using a shard of the Shikon Jewel to connect the arm to your body." Inuyasha raises his right hand as he clenches it. "If I lop off that human arm, you'll no longer have what ot takes to hold onto the Tetsusaiga. And that's not all..." I watch as Inuyasha dashes for Sesshomaru. "When you lose that arm I'll have myself another shard of the jewel!"

Sesshomaru runs to meet him as he challenges, "Let's see you try to take this arm away from me!" They got to lash at each other but Sesshomaru was faster. Inuyasha barely jumps back to avoid the whip of green poison in time. Sesshomaru lashes it at Inuyasha as he continues to dodge it.

Inuyasha tries to leap for Sesshomaru but the whip comes at him again. It barely hits him as Inuyasha lands. Sesshomaru lashes his whip out again but Inuyasha forward flips into the air and lands on a rock.

"Iron Reaper Soul Stealer!" Inuyasha shouts as he launches himself for Sesshomaru. He swings his right arm forwards but misses Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru lands a right hook to Inuyasha's face, throwing him back.

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