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It was another day in my town. I just finished college and was looking for a job. The summer was starting and so were the hot temperatures, because of this me and my sister decided to go to the local public pool as often as possible. We were so exhausted that we took a break at a nearby river, Me and My sister , who was practically sleeping at this point were sitting by the river, when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see who it was, and there was a big man behind us staring at us,
"Hello? Can I help you?" I asked, exhausted.
The man was staring at me with his sinister eyes.
 I stood up "Please, you're making us uncomfortable. Leave us alone"
The man took his hand into his back pocket and pulled out a knife.  "This is a robbery," he said.
"huh?" I said in a tired voice.
"You heard me," he said and gestured to the backpack I had carried on my back.
"Um sure take it just don't hurt us," I said and I slowly took it from my shoulder and tossed it to his legs.
"Brother what is happening?" my sister asked me.
"Everything is going to be okay," I said to her.
I then turned to a robber "look man just take it and leave us."
Robber quickly grabbed the backpack and looked into it "What is this?!!!" He yelled out and pulled wet towels and other things like suncream, and sister's bathing suit.
"Our things for the pool we were just returning from it," I said calmly.
"Where is your wallet?" he asked with a glare in his eyes at me. 
"My wallet? Hmmm, I left it home" I said calmly.
"Bullshit where are you hiding it," he asked.
"I told you I left it at home" I repeated my previous answer.
"I am not going anywhere empty-handed," he said angrily and glared at my sister.
"Don't even think about it" I said rather angrily. 
"What are you gonna do?" he asked as he waved his knife in front of my face.
"This," I said as I went for the knife.

I missed my attempt. He stumbled back before he held his composure back.
"This was your mistake" he hissed and charged at me.
I tried to dodge it but I got stabbed into the shoulder. I cried out in pain but I punched him back in the stomach. 
He returned the favor by stabbing me into mine. Blood started to pour out but I was in a rage so I didn't pay much mind to it. I fell on my back near a concrete slab. I grabbed it and smashed it against his head.He fell next to me, blood flowing out from his head all over the grass and into the river. The river turned Crimson red, I didn't pay that much attention to how gross it truly was. I just wanted to breathe, I didn't want to die, I want to survive. I looked at my sister, how she was crying while calling my name. I opened my mouth and muttered "You're safe now, Sis" while I was pathetically trying to smile, it all faded to black. I could feel my body go cold.

When I gained my consciousness back I was confused around me was nothing but what appeared to be a black room. I was silent, I didn't understand where I was, was this a hospital? no certainly not. Was I dreaming? I pinched my cheek but I felt it. Indeed I wasn't dreaming and this was real.

 "Hello is anybody here?" I asked the dark void which was surrounding me, my voice echoing over and over. 
I sighed "well at least she is safe".
"Correct" Answered a voice coming from the shadows.
"So, is there somebody here?" I asked, frightened of what might be behind the voice.
"Yes, sorry if I gave you a little scare. But I had some work and I couldn't come to properly greet you," The Voice said.
"Ummm. That's okay, thanks, may I ask who I am speaking to?" I asked, still confused.
"My name is Aether" The voice said, as a figure wearing a cloak emerged from the shadows.
"Pleasure to meet you?" I ask, confused.
"Ah yes, a human way to greet, A pleasure to meet you too" He answered
"So may I ask what am I doing here?" I asked.
"Do you want the detailed answer or would you be satisfied with the normal answer?"
 Aether asked.
"If you have enough time could you give me the detailed one? If not I'm totally fine with the summarised version" I answered.
"Hmm," Aether looked at me and nodded.
"So to put it in a way you would understand. You defied destiny" Aether said in a serious tone.
"Oh, sorry about that..." I quickly began to apologise to Aether.
"No need to, It's not necessarily a bad thing that you did that," He said giving a slight smile.
"So, what's going to happen to me?" I asked.
"Actually you know what, I have an offer for you." Aether replied
"What kind of offer?" I asked, confused.
"I need help with a few things normal person cant do but you have very a strong fate" he said. 
"Fate?" I asked still confused by more and more relations.
"Yes your fate is very strong, you see when that person attacked you, both of you would be unharmed, but your sister would be sexually abused and you wouldn't defy him." he said.
"But you retaliated and you killed him" he continued.
"So is my sister alright?" I asked.
"Yes she is alright but she will be mentally scarred for life," he said.
"So what is the offer?" I asked.
" There exists 6 different worlds  or realities 5 of which are normal and one that is different," he said.
"How is it different?" I asked.
"To simply put it combines the 5 of the normal ones to one so it is so-called "six-faced world" he explained.
"So does it have six sides?" I asked.
"Correct" he answered.
"Each race had their side." he continued.
"Had?" I asked.
"Yes 10 000 years ago there was a war between dragon world and the rest. Five of the sides were destroyed only one is left"
"It is your side?" I asked.
"No" he answered.
"So are you god or something then?" I asked.
"Yes, I take care of the outside. I usuallydidn'tt interfere with other gods" he said with a smile.
"So why do you need my help?" I asked.
"I need the God who destroyed them dead" he answered  
"That makes sense however i dont see how can i help" i said.
"What happend to the other sides?" i asked.
"When God died from that side their world died with them" he asnwered coldly. 
"So who do you need killed?" i asked.
"Hittogami the Human God" he said.
"But wont that just end the world?" i asked.
Aether smiled and said "This side is bound to the existence so even when god is killed it will not end in dissaster."

"I understand that i just if its a another world   dont they have a different languages?" i asked. "And i cant really fight so what do i do in combat?" i continued.

Aether smilled and said " thats why we are here time doesnt effect us here so its stopped for us here. I will teach you everything." he added.

So he started the lessons. Firstly he taughted me writting luckily he had  alphabets of all languages including the english one.  I was really happy for this atleast it  made things easier. After what felt like years i finaly could write, read  and speak with all of the different languages.

"Good" he praised me. "You have a strong persevence." he added. 
"Thanks" i said.
"Next thing is to teach you magic." he said.
"M-magic?" i asked.
"Thats right this world has a magic" he nodded.
"Okay lets go learn it" i said enthuasticly while hearing the word magic.
He then summoned a book "This will help you a lot" he said.
On the cover of the book was written in a language that was used in a elf world "Magic  textbook"
I started to read in  it "So according to this book you need mana, your mana reserve gets bigger the more you use the magic." i read out loud.  
"Correct so choose something and try it out." he hurried me.
"Hmm i flipped through the book until i found a simple spell "Waterball".
I thinked  little about it and i was about to read it out loud, but a ball of water was already before me levitated.  
"Hmmm is this normal did i done something wrong?" i asked Aether.
He shaked his head. "No you can just perform voiceless incantations."
"So what does that exactly mean?" i asked him.
"You dont need to recite the book you just think about it and it will happen" he said.
"So i dont need to speak while i want to use magic? thats neat." i said happily.

He taught me all of kinds of magic, attack magic, healing magic, teleportation magic  and summoning magic. After magic was done he trained me in sword combat.

"Could you please train me in a way so if i had to fight with an opponent stronger then me i would have an advantage?" i asked him
"What exactly you mean?" he asked me.
"I was thinking combination of magic and sword style? More precisly teleportation magic and and fast attacks with a sword." i answered.
"What exactly will you achive?" he asked me.
"I dont need to strike him with heavy strikes but if i learn lets say normal strikes and coordination with teleportation magic i can deplete his mana or his stamina and it will be easier to kill or incapacitated them." i answered.
He smiled "I like your thinking, so it will be i will try to teach you this style i never done it, nobody ever did but i like your idea".
"Let the training begin" he announced.

We spent time fighting with swords trying out different sizes and shapes, different weights, different material. In the end  i chose a simple sword shaped like a katana with a handguard.
The sword was really light, and strikes with it carried its weight it was good to grip it. The grip allowed me to quickly change stances. Then i started to combine it with the teleportation magic. Firstly i took what i learned earlier and started to teleport near the objects made for training combining strikes and slashes and then teleporting away.
Aether watched me witch curriousity.
"You are really doing good" he said suddenly.
"Thanks" i answered.
"I think it is time i let you into the world for the first time" he said suddenly,
"Do you think i am ready?" i asked nervously.
"Yes you are, you did really good now its the time to let you out" he answered.
"Wait how will i look like? will i be like before or?" i asked.
Aether smiled and said "You will look like however you want." 
"And one more thing there is a person named Orsted if you meet him tell him i sent you as i promissed to his father" he added before he snapped his fingers.

Everything got black again. 

MT: Aethers LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now