chapter 08

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[ Ryan's pov ]

{ sotc : all i ever wanted - mase }

OUR TRAINING HAS finally finished, it wasn't that bad but i'd never wanna do that again. god they were so annoying, like they always have something to say and shit. but i didn't wanna bring that up just yet, then they'd bully me for a whole year. so i after training, i was going to continue my way back to my dorm room, because ain't no way i'm gonna shower in the same shower that they use. but something stopped us.

as we walked into the locker room, all of our clothes were frozen, and up on the sealing was a writing with i think shaving cream, and it said 'varsity sucks ice !'. i then turned behind me and heard rick whisper, "ducks..". that caused him to punch his frozen jacket. "hey- you don't quite exactly know if it was them or no—"

"I KNOW WHO DID THIS JACKSON !" he roared. "it was those little varsity ducks who think they're better then us.."

"rick, you don't know if they—"

"shut it banks !.." rick said as he cut off adam. "everybody, back to your guys dorm. . . NOW !"

we all then obeyed his demand and went back to our dorm rooms. well it's not like i wasn't gonna there in the first place. but if the ducks did that.. why would they ask me to go back to their team ?. did they finally realize that i didn't do that to them ?. well, i hope so. cause if they still think that i did that, we're gonna have problems.

- - -

I HAD FINALLY finished having a nice warm shower after a grea- uhm.. alright day of training. i've never been so happy to just finish training, god i hate varsity. as i was laying down, i heard a knock at my door. "COME IN !" i yelled out. then came walking in was ken, guy, zach, saga, jordan, julie, fulton, and tevon. "uhmm hey ?" i greeted in confusion.

"aj, you have to help us out" zach started

"why ? what's wrong ?" i asked them

"we know we've told you this before, but it's dean." julie stated

"yea, he tried punching me today. but luckily i dodged it" ken shared

"WHAT ?!—"

"and he tried to start a fight with saga as well !" guy informed me

"damn ryan. you finally get a boyfriend and you chose the one who's the biggest cunt out ?" jordan laughed

"he's not a cunt, he just gets.. annoyed a lot." fulton said trying to back up dean. "but yea, he's been a bit of a dick lately. and i know i'm not supposed to tell you this, but sometimes yells at mindy saying 'i wish you were more like ryan !'"

"yea, he said he dated mindy to piss you off, and that rick kinda.. forced him to—"

"pffttt, how funny julie. like dean would listen to rick—"

"she's not lying riri, dean told us that rick said if he doesn't, he'll do something bad.. something BAD BAD" he said

what the fuck was going on right now ?!. there was so much things going through my head that i just wanted to be alone right now and think. so thats what i did.. i told them to all get out, and they listened. but obviously i wasn't actually gonna think, i'm just gonna sleep and let tomorrow sort it out.

- - -

IT WAS A new day and my third class has just finished, now it was lunch. as i was walking to my table, adam called me over. "RIRI ! OVER HERE !" he yells out. i then continued my way and started to walk to the varsity table. oh god, what now ? i thought to myself. "so jackson, since we did that little prank on the ducks and they got us back with a very good prank—"

"im not being involved with any of your dumb pranks" i stated with a straight face

"no no no. i just thought, since they got us back, why not befriend them. i mean, they did get us with a good prank. and im feeling hungry, so why not invite them to dinner ? plus, its a tradition at eden hall, and we care about tradition" rick shared

"cool. you go tell them, and adam you text me the details, goodbye" i said.

i then continued my way back to my table and sat down to eat lunch with the rfa boys. "what was that all about ?" tevon asked

"don't know, but apparently it's a tradition to prank the new junior varsity team and they prank us back, then the varsity takes them out for dinner. so now, we're all going to a nice fancy restaurant" i explained

"wow, white people are weird" tevon said

"tell me about it" i laughed

"anyways, wheres the dinner at ?" jordan asked

"don't know, but adam is gonna send me the details later on today" i informed. "so i'll send youse it later on today"

"aight, sweet" they all say.

- - -

SCHOOL HAS JUST finished and i was back in my dorm. as i was laying down reading my magazine, i got a buzz from my phone. i picked it up to see who it was from, and it was from adam. oh ! he sent me the details.


bank$ie: 6pm , minnesota club downtown.

me: bloody hell banks, 6 ?! it's nearly going on 5 !

bank$ie: well get moving riri, we don't have much time.

i quickly texted the rest of the guys the time and place, then i ran off to go get ready.

- - -

ITS BEEN AN hour or so that we've been at the club and we're all having a good time, well besides dean. i don't know why he's been so moody recently, but i figured i could ask him later on. i don't know why i got put next to dean tho, i've never been so annoyed in my life. i tried to ignore him and continue my eating, but of course, luis wanted to ask me questions. which i totally don't mind at all. "so ryan, how's varsity ?" he asked

"it's alright. i just have annoying teammates" i joked which cause luis to chuckle a bit.

luis and i continued our conversation, but while we were talking, someone wanted to make a toast. and that someone, was rick riley. "on behalf of the eden hall warrior varsity state champion hockey team, i'd like to welcome the future state champs.. the eden hall freshmen.. here here"

"here here" we all said as we clinked our glasses together.

"we're just glad youse loaned us banksie, jackson, johnson, gonzalez, and diggs so that we'd have a chance to beat you guys in annual freshman-varsity showdown." he shared. "now, nobody move. we've got one last surprise. fellas ?.. and lady ?"

i have never been so confused in my life. what was this guy on about ?. he didn't tell us about any surprise. "what ?" i asked him cluelessly

"hurry up jackson !.. you don't want our guests to keep kn waiting now, do you ?"

i was still confused on what he was doing, but i obeyed him and proceeded to walk with them. cause i know if i don't, training won't be any fun.

hope you liked it :)

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