Chapter 5 - Concern

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Xiao Guo walked into the living room to find his wife Xiao Naixin looking out of the window with a concern look in her face. He knew his wife like the back of his hand, so to see her so concern made him wonder what was the cause. "May I know what is making my lovely wife so lost in thought?" He said giving her a kiss on her neck.

Coming back into reality Naixin turn and wrapped her arms around her husband neck. "I was just thinking about the past and how far we have come really." She said.

"Are you sure? You looked sad. Is our life now really that bad?" Guo said trying to get his wife to open up.

"Of course not. It is so much better now than before but I still wonder how things are in the Clan. Plus I'm concern as well." She said looking sad.

"My love. Things must be good otherwise we would be hearing something. We don't need to worry, if anything we should be happy that our son as well as ourselves are happy and safe. We don't need to worry about anything really." Guo kissed her forehead trying to reassure her even though deep down he was concerned and afraid too.

"Are we really? How can we guarantee that we are going to be safe? Specially Xiao? How can we allow him to go to the forest? What happen if anyone from the clan see him and recognised him? How can we guarantee that he will be safe? Should we keep him with us?" She started walking to the sofa.

Guo understood her concerns. He followed her and sad next to her holding her hands. "My love, we can't keep him trapped with us. Nothing good comes from keeping him stuck on this house. He will get bored and it will only make him rebel. He is a young adult that will need his independence from his parents soon, maybe meet new people and hopefully soon find the right person. Letting him got to the forest with his friends, they will make sure to look after him. Plus they are not going too far. Just right at the start of the forest. You have nothing to worry about. Your family probably don't remember about us anymore." Guo said.

"I don't know. I've got the feeling that something bad is about to happen. He still has not had his first heat and it is due soon. How would he do if it happens while he is away from us and with his friends there?" Tears started falling from her eyes.

Guo knew that something has been bugging his wife for a while but he did not realised that it was to this extend. "I think it is time for us to have a talk to Zhan about where he came from and that he is an Omega. I know we said that we would leave it until his first heat happens but ... How about we talk with him after this trip? He is really excited to go camping with his friends for so long so it will be better for him not having to worry about being concern with the Heats and mating. I'm sure that nothing will happen. He has not showed any signs of the heat plus what are the chances of him finding his true mate or an Alpha or a Beta? It is very unlikely for anyone from any Clans to come closer to the city. We just need to relax. Everything will be ok." He cleaned her tears and kissed her softly her lips before they snuggled together in the sofa watching the tv till late into the evening.


Zhan was the first person to wake up that Monday. He was so excited to finally get the chance to go camping for the first time ever. He took his time to go and have a shower. He finish his morning routine then came out of the bathroom. His mates were still fast as well. As he looked at the clock he was shocked to find that it was still 5 in the morning. They were planning to leave between 6:30am and 7am so he still had plenty of time to get everything organised. Zhan double checked that his bags were ready and then went downstairs to make breakfast for his mates.
"Someone is up bright and early I see." Naixin said scaring Zhan as he had not heard her coming into the kitchen.

"Hi mum. I could not sleep long. Too excited I guess.... What are you doing up? It is still quite early." He said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Naixing laughs. "As incredible as it sounds I usually get up this early all the time. You and your dad are the ones that a sleepy heads. How do you think breakfast is ready in the morning by the time you two get downstairs?" She said laughing at her sons face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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