Chapter 7 - Thoth's Library

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It was easily a day walk to Thoth's library, once you had walked through the mountainous terrain, you came across large swamps. With your armor, it was easy to walk through the swamp, however, Hathor, with her long dress of jewels made it obvious she wanted help. You decided you preferred Bek's company more than the other two Gods. You began to talk to Bek about the mortal woman he brought to Horus.

"Her name was Zaya, and she believed in Horus more than any of the other Gods. She was...she was shot when we tried to escape Urshu's home." Bek quietly spoke, you looked at his sad eyes as he retold the story of what happened a few days prior. "But everything will be okay once Horus kills Set and brings her back," He said as his face lit up. You turned to look away, not bearing to lie to his innocent face. You were torn from your thoughts as you heard Horus talk to Hathor.

"Did he get you that dress?" he said, looking at her struggling in the deep water with the long drapes.

"I chose from what was provided," she answered gesturing to her corset.

"So you chose the one you thought would please him the most," Horus replied, shifting his legs through the thick bed of seaweed.

"I dress to please myself," she remarked after drinking from a water capsule. You scoffed at the bullshit she began sprouting about her looks. "Why you don't like it?" she further questioned Horus.

"It's too much," he answered not looking at her.

"I'm the Goddess of too much, and there's plenty I've given you that you've never found excessive," Hathor remarked as she attempted to pull her dress off a log, but instead ripped it.

"Now maybe it's too little," Horus stated looking at the tear up her thigh.

"You never used to be so hard to please," she commented, looking over her shoulder to you.

"You're slowing us down," he replied as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around Hathor, picking her up bridal style. You huffed whilst looking at the two Gods, you saw Bek looking at you with soft eyes.

"I heard what he told you the other night," Bek trailed off as he watched Horus walk off with Hathor.

"It doesn't matter, Set is our mission here," trying to hide the hurt in your voice. As you continued talking to Bek, you heard Hathor let out a yelp of shock. You scoffed as you saw that Horus had dropped her in the swamp waters. As you walked past, you couldn't help but kick a little more water at her, making sure all of her hair was wet. With Bek following close behind you, Hathor threw a bottle at him.

"Be a dear and fetch me some clean water," she spoke, getting up from the cold water

"Would it kill you to say 'please'?" he asked, frustrated with her self-righteousness.

"I'm really not in the mood to argue, go get it for me. I command you," she ordered before using her powers on Bek. Looking back at him you could see that her powers ceased to work as all Bek did was shake his head. "You're all the same aren't you?" he said throwing her bottle back to her.

As you continued to walk through the swamp you refused to listen to Hathor try to gossip with Bek about you or any other related problem. When you reached Horus, you decided to just walk past him, not wanting to engage in a conversation about what just happened. Horus noticed you walk past and decided to try and talk to you. 

"Y/n wait!" he said walking faster to you, in reply you only held up your hand. "Don't." you snapped not even turning your head. In defeat, Horus threw his hands in the air whilst watching you walk further away.

Finally, you reached the entrance to Thoth's hideout concealed in the thick mass of biodiversity and wildlife. You turned to Horus as he reached down and pulled a vine, subsequently opening a secret door in front of you. One by one you all followed Horus through the door. As you soon began to walk through the small stone corridor , you began to see light emitting round the corner from Thoth's hideout. You walked into one of the large halls which were delicately decorated with carved stone and marble. Entering the main hub, you could see all of Thoth's servants walking around like ants but in a very orderly fashion. Watching, as Bek then quickly walked in front of you to point to one of his many servants.

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