Chapter 4 - Ra

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Horus spread his wings and began to smoothly fly into the upper atmosphere as you could just about make out the silhouette of Ra's ship. To be in the presence of Ra would be an almighty honor.  Whilst you flew through the air, small stars of liquid light began to form in droplets around you. You looked to Bek whose mouth was slightly ajar as he looked around. Not long after, Horus soon approached the boat. As he began to fly onto it, he turned facing his back to the sun. Gently, he let go of you and the mortal before he transformed back. 

"Stay in our shadow," You warned Bek as you followed Horus throughout the boat. Hearing Bek ask why he should follow your orders, you moved slightly exposing his forearm to the bare sunlight. In return, he immediately pulled his arm back after feeling the sizzling burn from the close sun. You then raised your eyebrows as if to say just do as I say. 

You quietly followed Horus further onto the ship as he approached Ra in a large hooded gown. Simultaneously, both Gods bent into a bow as you both preached to Ra, "Hail thou, Great God Ra"

"Normally when a bird lands on my boat I kill it before it can shit," Ra answered as he continued to sharpen the spear he held. The Great God's remark through you off a bit as you weren't expecting such crude humor from him. "What is this? You dare bring a mortal to the source of Creation?" 

"He's valuable to me, I could not leave him behind," Horus answered as he slowly got up from his knees. 

"Ah, why have you come?" The ancient God asked.

"I would only ask something of you," Horus answered, you immediately jabbed him with your elbow when you heard the disrespect of his comment. He looked at you with a confused look as you shook your head.

"Oh in that case I should stop what I'm doing and heed to your bidding," Ra muttered as he reached to remove his hood. Horus then began trying to apologize as you just rolled your eyes.

"Grandfather, I'm sorry I mean no disrespect." Horus began to plea as you sighed.

"You don't know the difference!" Ra snapped back, you recoiled at the Great God's temper but true statement. As a deathly howling filled the air, you looked around in the black abyss. Your eyes set upon Ra who slowly rose from his seat and turned to the both of you. "Stay there, be quiet. I have work to do" ordered Ra as he reached for a silver crown that lay on the table before him. He then removed more white robes to reveal his silver and white drapes. Your eyes remained fixated on him as he tapped his chest with his fist, leading a bright firey aura around him to grant him the power to grow at least double in size each time. "And put the mortal below deck if you want him to live," Ra stated before swiftly turning away to the end of the boat.

Quickly, you followed Ra's instructions as you lifted Bek by his arm and rushed to a hatch leading beneath the ship. As you lifted the heavy hatch you threw the mortal down onto sheets of silk. When you returned to Horus you watched as he stood in awe of the scene unfolding before him. The demon Apophis lowered its dark clouds and monstrous teeth. Ra then assumed the position as he held a large golden spear, aimed at the demon.

As Apophis neared, you felt your body stand closer to Horus as you both watched Ra. With his spear, he began to strike the creature with sources of sunlight. The demon groaned in pain and began to turn away. With Apophis nearing the boat, your feet became unbalanced. Horus then reached for your hand to steady you. Ra continued to strike the beast until it completely turned away. "Crawl back to Shadow, you stinking worm!" you heard him yell, "You shall never feast on my creation, try as you might." As Ra returned to the main ship, he looked to Horus explaining to him that there are worse things than Set. To your dismay, Horus began to argue with his Grandfather. 

"You're wrong! That demon wasn't the one who murdered my father, murdered your son!" Horus argued to the Great God.

"They are both my sons, they were both equal in my eyes as is all of my creation, and the uncertainty of its destiny is my will," Ra returned sternly as he slowly returned to his normal size. "So what is it that actually brings you here?" he finished, picking up his robes.

"Allow me to fill my flask with these waters," Horus replied, pulling out a small, glass bottle to which Ra then turned to look at you both. "The waters are not mine." Horus then gave Ra a slight nod as he walked toward the edge of the boat. You watched as he delicately placed the glass flask into the stary waters. 

"You plan to quench the desert fire, to kill Set, to become King as your father wished," Ra stated as he sat on his throne. You watched as Horus followed him up the steps. "Grant me the power to fly again," Horus asked as he stood before Ra. You then decided to helo Bek rather than earwig to their conversation.  As you walked over to the hatch, you could hear Bek's grunting whilst trying to open the heavy door. Bending down, you lifted the hatch yourself, seeing Bek smile beneath you. 

"Why are you lugging around this mortal?" Ra questioned as he gestured to you to help Bek out of the hatch.

"He had the gall to strike a bargain with me," Horus replied clearly still surprised. Ra looked at him with disappointment, "Not worth the papyrus it's written on hmm?" he remarked looking at Bek and then to Horus 

"What does it matter? He is but mortal." Horus stated looking over at you. 

"What of the Goddess of War? Even with two eyes, you still couldn't see that she would risk everything for you." Ra whispered, looking from Horus to you who stood at the end of the boat with Bek.

"What about her?" Horus asked but before he could ask any more, Ra transformed him into his falcon form once again. Swiftly, Horus grabbed ahold of you and Bek and began to fly down back onto the ground.

It wasn't long before you could see the floor fast approaching, Horus began to shift from side to side as he started to transform back into his humanoid form. However, you were all still about 20 meters from the floor. Suddenly, you all fell a lot fasted as Horus fully transformed back. Not wanting a sprained ankle or some other injury from the fall, you quickly transformed into your lioness form, grabbing both Horus and Bek before they fell. 

You landed with a hard slam onto your back as you rested your head against the mossy floor of the forest. You then looked up to see Bek and Horus lying on your torso as you cushioned their landing. You swatted them both off as you transformed back into your human form. Walking your aches off, you bent to the side to satisfyingly crack your back. 

"Next time keep flying till we are actually on the ground," you heard Bek snap as he spat out a bit of mud from his mouth.

"What Ra gave, he took back." Horus groaned as he began to sit up .

"I thought he was helping you?" Bek innocently questioned looking back and forth between you and Horus.

"I got what I needed," Horus said as he held up the fragile bottle of water, "The whole of the Nile can not quench Set's fire but a few drops of the water from Creation can." you then decided to go search for fresh water to douse your face and refresh yourself with, leaving the Horus and Bek with their bickering.

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